push button delay?

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New Member
hello all!

i was wondering, is it possible to make a delay with a push button?

this is what i actually wanted:

when i press the push button, a running led will run for 3 sec.

this is what i have:

i will need to press the push button(forever!!) for the led to run. once i let go. the circuit will switch off.

help anyone?
thank you

Have you tried charging a capacitor using the push button and then allow the capacitor to discharge thru a resistor and led.?
Its a very crude circuit, but do you need accuracy.?
actually. i dont really know how to make a delay. the running led circuit is using the push button as a switch. so ya. when release got an open circuit. how how??
actually. i dont really know how to make a delay. the running led circuit is using the push button as a switch. so ya. when release got an open circuit. how how??

How accurate does the 3 secs have to be.?
accruacy is not really important. but if use cap must charge it rite? means must hold the push button for a few sec rite?

im actually doing a game. here how it suppose to work.

a ball will be thrown into a "funnel" if "hit" the led will running led will light up. something like that.

tried looking at it. but dont really understand. the o/p of the delay circuit goes to the running led circuit? will the led circuit need an additional battery source?

Lokk at this image


  • Image1.png
    2.4 KB · Views: 592
MC is too advance and too expensive!!

Your dwg shows pins 2/6 of the 555 to 0V , it should be a cap.

Are wanting to hold ON any/all of the leds for 3 secs.?

Have you tried increasing that cap to say 470uF or 1000uF.[ the one shown from +12V to 0v]?
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