push button delay?

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so i will connect the cap parallel to the batt?

meaning? i will need 3 sec to charge up the cap?

sorry if i confused u. haha
so i will connect the cap parallel to the batt?

meaning? i will need 3 sec to charge up the cap?

sorry if i confused u. haha

Lets summarise:
When the switch closes momentarily you want the 4017 and leds to run thru the sequence and then stop, display for 3 secs and go blank.?

Look at this image:


  • roulette.pdf
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Last edited:
humm. im doing somethig like this. so when the ball is at no.2 it will +1 to a counter circuit and led running around it for 3sec or less

sorry and thanks


  • untitled.GIF
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You need a freerunning (astable) 555 to CLOCK the CD4017 (LED rotation), and a monostable 555 to start & stop the LEDs via the RESET pin.
Have you tried a delay IC such as 4047 or 74C123? It may be possible to interface either IC to the 4017 or 555 to activate the LEDs for the time you specify.
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