putting together a MESA/BOOGIE amp footswitch

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New Member
hi there i was wondering if anyone could help me. I have a mesa/boogie mkIII simul class which usually has 4 foot switches on 3 enclosures (1 pedal has 2 switches). Unfortunately my ex stole all of them which means it will cost me a fortune to replace them especially with original mesa ones. I want to make one pedal which has all 4 switches in it. One of the original mesa pedals had 2 footswitches but only one 1/4 inch mono jack coming off it, this turned on/off the EQ with one switch and the reverb with the other. I know how to put together the other 2 pedals as they are very simple (just a switch connected to the 1/4 inch socket) I can't for the life of me figure out how this pedal works.

If anyone can shine some light on this it would be greatly appreciated.

cheers, Rich
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