PWM 180V DC Motor Speed Control

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New Member
Hello, I'm hoping to control the speed of a 180V DC, 0.44kW motor using PWM optoisolated from a PC parallel port. Essentially I would like to convert that pwm signal to a varying voltage.
Am currently looking at smaller circuits to get an idea of how this works.
I'm gonna keep reading up - hopefully work it out - new to this but it looks fun.
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Ok, so now I know what triacs are. I've also read that they need to be used carefully, can cause problems with microcontrollers and alike, messing with power source.
I've looked at what triacs I have available to me, such as the BT137. But I do not have any similar designs for a voltage regulator using a pwm signal.

Edit: Time for bed, I'll carry on in the morning!
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Triacs are usually used for controlling AC not DC.
They need the volts across them to go to zero to switch off.

You could use a PWM into a FET amplifier buffer to control the DC voltage but it would probably need a big heatsink.
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