Question about basic electronic's

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New Member
How can i make a 1 way remote, with 3-5 buttons with 3-5 "pieces" so when i press 1 button the piece corresponding to it sounds?
need more info
draw a block diagram might be helpful?
from what I can figure, you want 3-5 buttons on a remote that makes 3-5 sounds from the receiver of the remote?
the 3-5 pieces???
Excuse me, maybe i wasn't so clear, i want 3-5 receivers so when in the remote i press each button it corresponds to only one receiver and the receiver just beeps continuously.
why would you need to do that when you could've achieve the same using just a pair of modules? Or I didn't understand your question, you might wanna put up a block diagram on how you want it to be.
Each of the receivers is in a different location?

When you say it beeps continuously, you mean it never turns off? Or is this another function of the remote? Or does it beep for a specified time?

What type of sound? Each receiver sounds different? Simple beep of different pitch?
You can already buy these. One transmitter with 4 buttons and 4 beeping receivers. It costs $49.00
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