Hi jjw,You need braces after while statement.
I don't know if the compiler accepts the while statement as it is now.
Probably the statements in pwm_up and pwm_dn are executed only once
Should be something like this:
void PWM_UP()
//for (int i=0; i <= 60; i++) //need to add .333 sec delay somewhere for a 20 sec overall fade down duration
while( delay1 > 0 && delay1< 10000)
delayMicroseconds(delay1); //increase duty cycle at 100Hz - delay #1 - HIGH
delayMicroseconds(delay2); //delay #2 - LOW
Same for PWM_DN()
Thank you so much Mike !! I will study that and try to implement it. I will post it too for you to take a look at whenever you get time.Sorry, but I dont have the time to check your code right now, but if you want (say) 100 different steps of PWM duty cycle, each lasting the same duration, then if the index in the for loop runs from 0 to 99, the duty cycle % can also run 0% to 99%. The actual delay times (in us) would be computed from the index value (0 to 99) passed to the PWM sub by the loop...
Is this not correct?I have been assuming that your PWM function has two delays in it that add up to the period. Say the PWM freq is 100Hz; that means that the PWM period is 10ms = 0.01s
int sensorPin = 2; //motion sensor out pin connected to digital pin 2 (P2 on digispark)
int ledPin = 1; // LED driver module's PWM pin is connected to digital pin 1 (P1 on digispark)
int delay1 = 9999; //HIGH pulse
int delay2 = 0; //LOW pulse
const int delayValue = 20;
delayMicroseconds(delay1); //decrease duty cycle at 100Hz - delay #1 - LOW
delayMicroseconds(delay2); //delay #2 - HIGH
The circuit:
* LED (+) attached to pin 1.
* motion sensor 'signal' will be attached to pin 2
* digispark microcontroller
last edit 8/17/2017
By John A. Austin
//IMPORTANT NOTE: reverse logic is required based on LED driver board's PWM pin functionality
int sensorPin = 2; //motion sensor out pin connected to digital pin 2 (P2 on digispark)
int ledPin = 1; // LED driver module's PWM pin is connected to digital pin 1 (P1 on digispark)
int delay1 = 9999; //HIGH pulse
int delay2 = 1; //LOW pulse
const int incrValue_up = 55;
const int incrValue_dn = 167;
int y = 1;
int x = 1;
void setup()
// initialize the sensorPin as an input:
pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);
// initialize the ledPin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void INCR_UP()
delay1=delay1-incrValue_up; //incremental change to pulse width value
delay2=delay2+incrValue_up; //increment change to pulse width value
void INCR_DN()
delay1=delay1-incrValue_dn; //incremental change to pulse width value
delay2=delay2+incrValue_dn; //increment change to pulse width value
void PWM_UP() //loops 33 times for a total of 1/3 second at 100Hz
while(x < 33)
delayMicroseconds(delay1); //decrease duty cycle at 100Hz - delay #1 - LOW
delayMicroseconds(delay2); //delay #2 - HIGH
void PWM_DN() //loops 33 times for a total of 1/3 second at 100Hz
while(x < 33)
delayMicroseconds(delay1); //increase duty cycle at 100Hz - delay #1 - HIGH
delayMicroseconds(delay2); //delay #2 - LOW
//"intended" SKETCH FLOW:
//motion sensor triggers pin2 on digispark
//PWM_UP is called and loops 33 times for a total of 1/3 seconds
//then back to main code and INCR() is called to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//INCR() is called after each loop to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//the looping increment is increased by one and the loop starts over
//after 180 loops and 60 seconds have passed, the loop count variable is set back to 1
//the LEDS are held at full brightness for 5 minutes (10 seconds for testing)
//PWM_DN is then called and loops 33 times for a total of 1/3 seconds
//then back to main code and INCR() is called to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//INCR() is called after each loop to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//the looping increment is increased by one and the loop starts over
//after 60 loops and 20 seconds have passed, the loop count variable is set back to 1
void loop()
if(digitalRead(sensorPin) == LOW)
while(y < 180)
int y=1;
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); //set leds at full brightness
delay(10000); //hold at full brightness for 10 seconds (for testing purposes)
while(y < 60)
int y=1;
The circuit:
* LED (+) attached to pin 1.
* motion sensor 'signal' will be attached to pin 2
* digispark microcontroller
last edit 8/17/2017
By John A. Austin
//read status of motion sensor (HIGH or LOW)
//If HIGH, fade leds from off to on over a one minute period
//then fade to off over a 32 second period
//wait 5 seconds and read sensor pin again
//IMPORTANT NOTE: reverse logic is required based on LED driver board's PWM pin functionality
int sensorPin = 2; //motion sensor out pin connected to digital pin 2 (P2 on digispark)
int ledPin = 1; // LED driver module's PWM pin is connected to digital pin 1 (P1 on digispark)
int delay1 = 9999; //HIGH pulse
int delay2 = 1; //LOW pulse
const int incrValue_up = 28;
const int incrValue_dn = 167;
int y = 1;
int x = 1;
void setup()
// initialize the sensorPin as an input:
pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);
// initialize the ledPin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void INCR_UP()
delay1=delay1-incrValue_up; //incremental change to pulse width value
delay2=delay2+incrValue_up; //increment change to pulse width value
void INCR_DN()
delay1=delay1-incrValue_dn; //incremental change to pulse width value
delay2=delay2+incrValue_dn; //increment change to pulse width value
void PWM_UP() //loops 33 times for a total of 1/3 second at 100Hz
for (x = 0; x <= 17; x++)
delayMicroseconds(delay1); //decrease duty cycle at 100Hz - delay #1 - LOW
delayMicroseconds(delay2); //delay #2 - HIGH
void PWM_DN() //loops 33 times for a total of 1/3 second at 100Hz
for (x = 0; x <= 33; x++)
delayMicroseconds(delay1); //increase duty cycle at 100Hz - delay #1 - HIGH
delayMicroseconds(delay2); //delay #2 - LOW
//"intended" SKETCH FLOW:
//motion sensor triggers pin2 on digispark
//PWM_UP is called and loops 33 times for a total of 1/3 seconds
//then back to main code and INCR() is called to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//INCR() is called after each loop to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//the looping increment is increased by one and the loop starts over
//after 180 loops and 60 seconds have passed, the loop count variable is set back to 1
//the LEDS are held at full brightness for 5 minutes (10 seconds for testing)
//PWM_DN is then called and loops 33 times for a total of 1/3 seconds
//then back to main code and INCR() is called to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//INCR() is called after each loop to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//the looping increment is increased by one and the loop starts over
//after 60 loops and 20 seconds have passed, the loop count variable is set back to 1
void loop()
if(digitalRead(sensorPin) == LOW)
for (y = 0; x <= 360; y++)
int y = 1;
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); //set leds at full brightness
delay(10000); //hold at full brightness for 10 seconds (for testing purposes)
for (y = 0; x <= 60; y++)
int delay1 = 9999; //HIGH pulse
int delay2 = 1; //LOW pulse
int y = 1;
int x = 1;
jjw,At least you should set x=1 before while(x<33)
in PWM_UP() and PWM_DN() functions.
Now x=33 after first run of PWM_UP() and they won't execute anymore.
The circuit:
* LED (+) attached to pin 1.
* motion sensor 'signal' will be attached to pin 2
* digispark microcontroller
last edit 8/17/2017
By John A. Austin
//read status of motion sensor (HIGH or LOW)
//If HIGH, fade leds from off to on over a one minute period
//then fade to off over a 32 second period
//wait 5 seconds and read sensor pin again
//IMPORTANT NOTE: reverse logic is required based on LED driver board's PWM pin functionality
int sensorPin = 2; //motion sensor out pin connected to digital pin 2 (P2 on digispark)
int ledPin = 1; // LED driver module's PWM pin is connected to digital pin 1 (P1 on digispark)
int delay1 = 9999; //HIGH pulse
int delay2 = 1; //LOW pulse
const int incrValue_up = 28;
const int incrValue_dn = 84;
int y = 1;
int x = 1;
void setup()
// initialize the sensorPin as an input:
pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);
// initialize the ledPin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void INCR_UP()
delay1=delay1-incrValue_up; //incremental change to pulse width value
delay2=delay2+incrValue_up; //increment change to pulse width value
void INCR_DN()
delay1=delay1-incrValue_dn; //incremental change to pulse width value
delay2=delay2+incrValue_dn; //increment change to pulse width value
void PWM_UP() //loops 17 times for a total of 1/6 second at 100Hz
for (x = 0; x <= 17; x++)
delayMicroseconds(delay1); //decrease duty cycle at 100Hz - delay #1 - LOW
delayMicroseconds(delay2); //delay #2 - HIGH
void PWM_DN() //loops 17 times for a total of 1/6 second at 100Hz
for (x = 0; x <= 17; x++)
delayMicroseconds(delay1); //increase duty cycle at 100Hz - delay #1 - HIGH
delayMicroseconds(delay2); //delay #2 - LOW
//"intended" SKETCH FLOW:
//motion sensor triggers pin2 on digispark
//PWM_UP is called and loops 17 times for a total of 1/6 seconds
//then back to main code and INCR() is called to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//INCR() is called after each loop to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//the looping increment is increased by one and the loop starts over
//after 360 loops and 60 seconds have passed, the loop count variable is set back to 1
//the LEDS are held at full brightness for 5 minutes (10 seconds for testing)
//PWM_DN is then called and loops 17 times for a total of 1/6 seconds
//then back to main code and INCR() is called to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//INCR() is called after each loop to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//the looping increment is increased by one and the loop starts over
//after 120 loops and 20 seconds have passed, the loop count variable is set back to 1
void loop()
if(digitalRead(sensorPin) == LOW)
for (y = 1; y <= 360; y++)
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); //set leds at full brightness
delay(10000); //hold at full brightness for 10 seconds (for testing purposes)
int delay1 = 9999;
int delay2 = 1;
int y = 1;
int x = 1;
for (y = 1; y <= 120; y++)
int delay1 = 9999;
int delay2 = 1;
int y = 1;
int x = 1;
The circuit:
* LED (+) attached to pin 1.
* motion sensor 'signal' will be attached to pin 2
* digispark microcontroller
last edit 8/17/2017
By John A. Austin
//IMPORTANT NOTE: reverse logic is required based on LED driver board's PWM pin functionality
int sensorPin = 2; //motion sensor out pin connected to digital pin 2 (P2 on digispark)
int ledPin = 1; // LED driver module's PWM pin is connected to digital pin 1 (P1 on digispark)
int delay1 = 9999;
int delay2 = 1;
const int incrValue_up = 10;
const int incrValue_dn = 30;
int y = 1;
int x = 1;
void setup()
// initialize the sensorPin as an input:
pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);
// initialize the ledPin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void INCR_UP()
delay1=delay1-incrValue_up; //incremental change to pulse width value
delay2=delay2+incrValue_up; //increment change to pulse width value
void INCR_DN()
delay1=delay1-incrValue_dn; //incremental change to pulse width value
delay2=delay2+incrValue_dn; //increment change to pulse width value
void PWM_UP() //loops 6 times for a total of .06 seconds at 100Hz
for ( int x = 1; x <= 6; x++)
delayMicroseconds(delay1); //decrease duty cycle at 100Hz - delay #1 - LOW
delayMicroseconds(delay2); //delay #2 - HIGH
void PWM_DN() //loops 6 times for a total of .06 seconds at 100Hz
for ( int x = 1; x <= 6; x++)
delayMicroseconds(delay1); //increase duty cycle at 100Hz - delay #1 - HIGH
delayMicroseconds(delay2); //delay #2 - LOW
//motion sensor triggers pin2 on digispark
//PWM_UP is called and loops 6 times for a total of .06 seconds
//then back to main code and INCR() is called to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values
//INCR() is called after each loop to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values by 10
//the looping increment is increased by one and the loop starts over
//after 1000 loops and 60 seconds have passed, the loop count variable is set back to 1
//the LEDS are held at full brightness for 5 minutes (10 seconds for testing)
//PWM_DN is then called and loops 6 times for a total of .06 seconds
//then back to main code and INCR() is called to change the pulse width (HIGH/LOW) values by 30
//the looping increment is increased by one and the loop starts over
//after 333 loops and 20 seconds have passed, sketch should to go back to the start and read the sensor pin again
void loop()
if(digitalRead(sensorPin) == LOW)
delay(5000); // wait 5 seconds, then check the sensorPin again
for (int y = 1; y <= 1000; y++) // 60 seconds to fade up
// LEDs fade up to full brightness as expected
digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH); // led off
delay(2000); // 2 seconds
digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW); // led on
delay(10000); // 10 seconds
digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH); // led off
delay(2000); // 2 seconds
// LEDs come on for 2 seconds then at full brightness for 10 seconds, then back off for 2 seconds.
// Good to this point
// moving on to the fade down sequence below, the leds start flashing rapidly in what appears
// to be an endless loop. Power has to be disconnected.
// flashing starts here
for (int y = 1; y <= 333; y++) // 20 seconds to fade down
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
Thanks, I'll take a look at that. Your time is much appreciated.There is still the delay problem.
After 1000 × PWM_UP() and INCR_UP() the delay1 = -1 and delay2 = 10000
PWM_DN() continues from these values, which should be reseted ? ( 9999 and 0 )
I don't know how Arduino reacts to negative delay values.
I will try swapping the delay1/2 in PWM_DN.In INCR_DN() the delay1 should be increased and the delay2 decreased as you say in comments for PWM_DN() and then no need to reset the delay values.
Edit: and check also the order of the delays in PWM_DN(), delay2 first ?
I read and write this with a tablet, so it is confusing enough to browse the program back and forth.I will try swapping the delay1/2 in PWM_DN.
I agree. However, after trying a dozen different ways to get the blinking to go away, I wanted to have code in there to be sure those values were reset correctly.
Also, keep in mind this sketch works with 'reverse logic', so increasing is dimming, up is down, forwards is backwards...........
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