Question about Inchworm+

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Hi I have question for you...

I have inchworm+ it looks good when I plug it in it turn on even if switch is on or off...

Is this supposed to happen...

I plug ed in 9volt 1000milliamp adapter...

multimeter is broke I dont know what it is actually...

Is this ok...
Look at the schematics.

You will see that the switch controls power to the +5 (target power) on the ICSP connector. The LED is telling you that the Inchworm has power. It is OK.

I was nervous...

I look at schematic and see that it connects power to microcontroller...

How does target get 13 12 volt...
The inchworm assembly instruction do a good job of covering that in the text. The max232 chip converts 5V to about +15V. A series of diode drops are used to get it down to where VPP should be. The 2nd switch is used to select between 12V and 13V. Note that the white lettering on the PCB is backwards. The 12 and 13 are interchanged.

There has been several thread where people needed help getting theirs working. Most are for the non+ version but it may be a good idea to read them. I am still quite willing to help but that may be faster.

So 16F 12F gets 12V...

18F and dsPIC get 13V...

Am I right...
Quan said:
So 16F 12F gets 12V...

18F and dsPIC get 13V...

Am I right...
It is the other way around. From the assembly instructions...


So I connect the 10 pin header to target chip and program and it doesnt need its own power source?

Inchworm+ provides the power for it?

On my inchworm, the voltage is correct by the switch...

What program should I write first...
I find program... Called Hello World for inchworm ICD2...

I am use 16F628A I folo directions of sheet?

I am excited... Cant wait to program...

Krumlink is my email buddy from michigan, I from west coast...

He says sorry, he was mad... I help him out...

He is doing this project along with me...

I wrote the code in and follow directions...

This pop up under MPLAB IDE 2

Auto-connect not enabled - Not connecting (Try enabling auto-connect on the ICD2 settings pages.)
ICDWarn0034: Please ensure that your system's serial FIFO buffers are disabled.
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICDWarn0054:  MPLAB IDE has lost communications with the MPLAB ICD 2.  Would you like to attempt to reconnect?
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
Setting Vdd source to MPLAB ICD 2
ICDWarn0020: Invalid target device id (expected=0x83, read=0x0)
...Reading ICD Product ID
Running ICD Self Test
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
ICDWarn0034: Please ensure that your system's serial FIFO buffers are disabled.

What to do?
I have fixed it...

It reccognized it...

IT says this now:
Clean: Deleting intermediary and output files.
Clean: Done.
Executing: "C:\MCC18\mpasm\mpasmwin.exe" /q /p16F628A "Hello World.asm" /l"Hello World.lst" /e"Hello World.err"
Warning[205] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 2 : Found directive in column 1. (list)
Warning[205] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 3 : Found directive in column 1. (include)
Error[105]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 3 : Cannot open file (Include File "" not found)
Error[111]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 4 : Missing symbol
Warning[205] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 5 : Found directive in column 1. (org)
Warning[203] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 6 : Found opcode in column 1. (bsf)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 6 : Symbol not previously defined (STATUS)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 6 : Symbol not previously defined (RP0)
Warning[203] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 7 : Found opcode in column 1. (movlw)
Warning[203] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 8 : Found opcode in column 1. (movwf)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 8 : Symbol not previously defined (OPTION_REG)
Warning[203] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 9 : Found opcode in column 1. (movlw)
Warning[203] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 10 : Found opcode in column 1. (movwf)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 10 : Symbol not previously defined (TRISB)
Warning[203] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 11 : Found opcode in column 1. (bcf)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 11 : Symbol not previously defined (STATUS)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 11 : Symbol not previously defined (RP0)
Warning[203] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 12 : Found opcode in column 1. (movlw)
Warning[203] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 13 : Found opcode in column 1. (xorwf)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 13 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTB)
Warning[203] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 14 : Found opcode in column 1. (sleep)
Warning[205] C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 15 : Found directive in column 1. (end)
Halting build on first failure as requested.
BUILD FAILED: Tue Oct 02 22:33:49 2007

I need your help please...

You have to put tabs before almost all program lines except labels or comments.

Also make sure your FIFO buffers are off or it will give you connection errors.
how do i turn off fifo buffers...

It says this
Clean: Deleting intermediary and output files.
Clean: Done.
Executing: "C:\MCC18\mpasm\mpasmwin.exe" /q /p16F628A "Hello World.asm" /l"Hello World.lst" /e"Hello World.err"
Error[105]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 3 : Cannot open file (Include File "" not found)
Error[111]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 4 : Missing symbol
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 6 : Symbol not previously defined (STATUS)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 6 : Symbol not previously defined (RP0)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 8 : Symbol not previously defined (OPTION_REG)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 10 : Symbol not previously defined (TRISB)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 11 : Symbol not previously defined (STATUS)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 11 : Symbol not previously defined (RP0)
Error[113]   C:\A MPLAB\HELLO WORLD.ASM 13 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTB)
Halting build on first failure as requested.
BUILD FAILED: Tue Oct 02 22:54:35 2007
You have installed the C18 compiler and set the asm toolsuite path to point to the c18 assembler.

To fix this go into "Project/set language tool locations" click on the + next to "Microchip MPASM Toolsuite" then on + next to Executables and then on MPASM assembler. The path at the bottom will say something like C:\C18\.... Browse to the correct location - on my machine it is C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\MPAsmWin.exe.

It should now build correctly.

how do i turn off fifo buffers...
from the windows xp desktop

For COM1 you would do...
start>control pannel>system>hardware>device manager>PORTS(COM and LPT)
>Communication Port (COM1)>Port Setting>Advanced

Then make sure "Use FIFO Buffers" box is NOT checked.
It says I need write priviledges for me to change it...

What do I do...

I changed the programming language location so it works now...
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