question about PIC 16C711

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New Member
erm.. i want to build a peak charger that using PIC 16C711 4Mhz.Do i need to program it on my own or it is already programed by the manufacture.u may refer to this is in PDF format.


  • 16c711_peak_detect_charger.pdf
    127.2 KB · Views: 469
escin said:
erm.. i want to build a peak charger that using PIC 16C711 4Mhz.Do i need to program it on my own or it is already programed by the manufacture.u may refer to this is in PDF format.

The PIC16C711 is an OTP (One Time programmable) PIC micro-controller, they normally come from MicroChip totally blank - although if you care to order sufficiently large numbers you can order them pre-programmed with your own code.

You would need to either buy a pre-programmed one from the designer of the project, or program your own - assuming the designer provides the required code!. If the designer doesn't provide the code, your only option is to buy a pre-programmed one from him.
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