hi Al,
PIC pin #3 is to 0V, for your CA LED's [ same as mine]
For quick check to see if the PIC is running do this,,, connect a 470R is series with a single LED [any colour] , connect the anode of the LED to 0V and while the PIC is powered touch the PORTA,0,1,2,3 pins in turn, with the free end of the 470R .
The LED should flicker showing that the Digits are being selected. [ best to disconnect your other IC's from PORTA while doing this part]
If that shows a LED flicker on PORTA 0,1 and 2 it shows the PIC is doing the digit select.
Now do the same for PORTB 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 , the segment drivers, these should also flicker the test LED when the end of the 470R is touched to each one, in turn.
Lets know what you get,
touch >> 470R >>>> LED >>>> 0V