Hi to all,
Thanks again guys for all the help, I couldn't have done it without your support.
Anyway after another go at the wiring of the digits, and a much needed hand from my wife Dawn, who eventually saw where I was going wrong, I have a working clock!
The only small problem I have now is a small one and easily fixed. The 14pin socket I used for the 40106 buffer was an unused but old one, looked fine but the IC seems a bit easy to fit into it and if I tap the board it jumps out! hehehe (hot glue will solve)
Anyway I am posting some pictures of the finished product and should anyone else want to build one I will of course pass on all the help I can. I have a VeroDes drawing of the clock if anyone wants it (you need VeroDes installed but its FREE!) and lets you place components onto virtual Vero Board.
Thanks again guys for the help.
Yours gratefully Al ( at 1:23 precisely)
Edit. The ICs on the left are (top left) PIC16F628A (bottom left)2083 (top right) HEF40106) and (bottom right) under the sheaf of wires is the other 2083