Quiz buzzer

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New Member
Hello i need to make a quick quiz buzzer that sound and lights up when the team presses a switch. any ideas and circuits please? i am quite new to this...
This has come up numerous times in these forums. I suggest you read this thread and better define what you want. You have not provided any information. From what you ask a push button switch in series with a light and buzzer will do just fine?

I just need a switch that when it is pushed it will trigger a light and a buzzer. The thread you gave me it too coplicated. A simple cct will do fine. Thanks in advance
If there is more than one team won't you need a circuit to detect which team pressed first? If so, the circuit will be more complicated.
I just need a switch that when it is pushed it will trigger a light and a buzzer. The thread you gave me it too coplicated. A simple cct will do fine. Thanks in advance

Attached is what you asked for. The parts can be had anywhere. If you want you can use about any voltage you wish as long as the lamp and buzzer match the voltage. Push button, buzzer buzzes and lamp illuminates. Both for the duration the button is held.



  • Buzzer.gif
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