My concept was to have an up-down counter with a BCD output.
The BCD output feeds a BCD to 7-segment display converter.
Each counter has an "up", "down", and "enable" inputs.
When a contestant locks-in, the output of their Jeopardy circuit enables their counter.
The moderator asks the question, and the contestant answers.
If correct, the moderator pushes a "RIGHT" button that causes the enabled counter to add one count.
If incorrect, the moderator pushes a "WRONG" button that causes the enabled counter to subtract one count.
The RIGHT and WRONG buttons go to both counters but only the "enabled" counter responds.
A four-input AND or NAND gate on the output of each counter could be AND'd with the enable lines so the counter will not decrement to 9 if the count is at zero.
A simpler version would not have a "WRONG" down-count function, just no point for a wrong answer.
All this said, it's been years and years since I built counters and display converters from discrete logic gates. Maybe someone can jump in with more recent experience.