I don't think that's always the case.Any service provided by government costs several times what it should be worth and is seldom delivered in a timely manor.
Despite the crumbling economy people commie Cuba have a similar life expectancy to those in the US. Many put this down to the fact that they have fully socialised healthcare. The amazing thing is that they spend a fraction of what the US spend per person on healthcare.
Don't forget that this is a public service, I'd agree if you were talking about a factory producing goods but that's not the case.
Healthcare in Cuba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That would only be the case if the whole system were socialised (as in Cuba).In one, not so small, way it is good because huge profits have allowed for the development of CATscan, MRI, and PETscans. And some drugs would not have been created if the possibility of gross profits were not present. Perhaps many things I do not have a clue about.
One could argue that much/(maybe all) of the denied care would not exist without the massive profits
I think medical research and the cutting edge should remain in private hands. Public healthcare should be there for doctors and hospitals which should be run as charities not for profit.
I completely agree.What the government really needs to do is put a cap on lawsuits, and attorney fees. People shouldn't be able to turn around and sue the doctor, after saving their miserable life, because he left an 'ugly' 1.5 centimeter scar on their belly. The hospital can be a busy place, lots of pressure, lots of potential for mistakes. There are some cases that do deserve consideration, such as administrative mistakes, that gets the patient unneeded procedures that result in loss of function or death. People don't seem to understand that the doctor can not heal your wounds, we have to do that ourselves. The doctor can set bones, so the can mend reasonably straight. He can give drugs to help fight infections, but your body must still do the bulk of the work.
Lawyers shouldn't be allowed to advertise for medical clients, since many need convincing that just being alive just isn't enough these days. They flash the dollars signs, remind them of the unreasonably high medical bill, and point out that they weren't made perfectly whole for the ordeal they just endured. They deserve compensation, and for a mere 30%, they'll do all the paperwork, court appearances cost a little more...
I agree, I don't think capitalism works for everything. If you fall sick, you'll be rushed to the nearest hospital. You won't stop and think about which one offers the best value care for mony.Capitalism only works when the consumer has a choice:
You can choose whether to buy a Toyota, Ford, GM, Honda or nothing at all. You can wait for the prices to come down. For when you have the money, job, etc.
Have a heart attack and you have no choice and no time to "shop around", etc.
Partly socialising the health system would probably push the companies into providing better care.
I don't think that will be the cause with healthcare.The way to better health care is not to socialize it. This will only make things worse. When services are handed out for free, the demand will far exceed the supply and the system will fail.
There is a limit number of people who need it. Those who don't will be quickly turned away. Here in the UK we have free healthcare and most people still avoid visits to the doctor and hospital.
Some countries used to have socialised healthcare but it deteriorated as soon as they started privatising it.
Take Russia for example, under the Soviet system, heathcare was free for everyone that needed it. After the collapse of the Soviet Union the new government still wanted to maintain a free system but they wanted to turn their back on communism so they privatised all the hospitals and set up a compulsory insurance system. This didn't work out as intended and the health of the Russian population declined as a result.
Health in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A similar thing happend in China after free market reforms were brought in.
Public health in the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eventually the Cinese govenment has decided to reform the system. If the US carries on the way it is then China will catch up and overtake.