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New Member
Hopefully some of you have seen my website:


I have been working hard on keeping it updated and correct, and I was wondering if some of you have noticed it?

As for the poll, I tried to make the answers, "different"

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blueroomelectronics said:
What happened to the Microcontroller stuff? Got to give those robots a brain sometime.

Well I still don't know hardly anything about it, so I took it off. I would like to, Im just not getting anywhere.
Wow, you really need to neaten up your wireing, perhaps you should get yourself a bag of cable ties.
Krumlink said:
Well I still don't know hardly anything about it, so I took it off. I would like to, Im just not getting anywhere.

So far we have had only 1 real lesson other then the time it took to get the IDE and compiler up and working.

There have been technical roadblocks. I knew that doing distance learning was going to be more difficult when I took Krumlink on but it seems that I did not have a clue.

Here is a short list:

First we had to wait to get Krumlinks computer on the internet. (wait for tech people)

Then we needed to get remote desktop working. It does. Still need to get a webcam going on both ends. Maybe blocked ports?

Krumlinks computer had router problems.(wait for tech to fix it)

Krumlinks computer crashed. (wait for computer people to rebuild, should be ready on friday)

In the mean time I opted to switch from a 16F88 target to an 18F1320. The tested target board (care package) on my desk and must mail it today. (wait for me if it does not arrive by friday)

We will start with lessons on friday if the target gets there by then.

Krumlink has been very patient. It is my hope that once we get started we can work together 2 or 3 times a week.

If all goes well and we can get out schedules to connect Krumlink will have built a uC controlled bot in about 4 to 8 weeks. Blinking LEDs, beeps, and other sounds much sooner.
3v0 is a really nice guy, and I appreciate all his help. PIC'ing has been difficult, but with more of his tutorials I will be able to control my robots in no time.

Yeah, I thought that the kitty was really random, so I used it

I am going to add another page for modules for the Rflex1 Robot body, with the first one being light seeking. It will be very in-depth with as much detail as I could possibly put in. I will also put in some more robot stuff as well.

If you want to give me ideas, go ahead!
umm, krummy... i just signed your guest book... I dont mean to be paranoid, but i don't like the fact that it leaves 3 sections of my ip address visible. that leaves only 256 possible ip's for someone to try to play with me... and i dont play nice...
You want an easy language, BASIC. Not as powerful as C or ASM but easy.
The following code was a test program for my Mongoose robot, uses the same motors and a similar geartrain to your Rflex1 robot. The real work is done by the module (It's posted on the fourms)
Running the motors is a simple command
MotorLR(Left,Right) where Left = +/-127 and Right = +/-127 (0 = stop, + forward, -reverse)
DelayMS(8000) is a delay of 8sec (8000ms)

Device = 18F2525        // Required for Mongoose
Clock = 8               // 8MHz required clock for Mongoose.bas 0.9 beta
Include "Mongoose.bas"
GoTo    Loop 
Parallax sold 90,000 of their BOE-Bot kits because they were dirt simple to program using BASIC. Have a read of the well written BOE-Bot manual.

Of course my Mongoose kit is better

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Above Parallax BOE-Bot, Below blueroomelectronics Mongoose
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Krumlink said:
It does that just so you know if somebody is impersonating somebody else.
Considering how easy it is for a home user to change his IP, it's really a non issue either way. Keep up the good work on the site.
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kchriste said:
Considering how easy it is for a home user to change his IP, it's really a non issue either way. Keep up the good work on the site.

I do not think that is the case for people with static IP addresses. I would have to call my provider and request a change.
3v0 said:
I do not think that is the case for people with static IP addresses. I would have to call my provider and request a change.

Yes, but the number of people with static IP addresses is relatively small. I've got one at work, but only because I specifically asked for it, and pay extra.

I've never had occasion to need it, but for a small amount extra (that I wasn't paying) I thought it might come in handy!
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