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reaction timer - multiplex inputs

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yes i have read the oshonsoft manual but it makes you want to flip the monitor around to see where the "missing" pages are ! LOL.
I have made headway using the datasheets and OSH. timer 1 and timer 2 .
BUT looking forward to your pearls of code - don't mind the wait just very happy that you were able to assist! thank you.

This simple Demo uses the TMR1 interrupt, the count is from the internal cycle time.

The program shows how to use the TMR1 interrupt to call the LCD, UART adc0,adc1.

It will run in OSH, read the text at the program header. When you understand how the program works come back and I will cover the TMR1 and TMR0 interrupts.


  • LCD_TMR1_intr1.bas
    3 KB · Views: 466
thanks alot!
I will try and create something new - so when we get to tmr0 and 1 then it is easier to follow.

thanks again.

p.s I was thinking of writing a short Tut on using the timer w.r.t. oshonsoft basic (based on what "I" have learnedfrom all of this)- basically this thread and uploading it to the code snippet category?!
I have finished a TMR1 interrupt working with an external input, will post withTMR0 when done.
Looking forward to your snippets.
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