Your micro has 2 SARs in it, both, based on datasheet, can convert from Vssa to Vdd.
And they are multi channel, so one SAR can manage both I2C lines. That being said
you should look at latency it will take between samples as "normally" you would
want to do simultaneous sampling of the 2 I2C lines to get correct time relationship
between the lines. eg. use both SARs to minimize skew between sample of the two
lines, SDA, SCL. Both SARs can convert at a rate in the low Mhz area.
You have to oversample the I2C lines by some amount, at their max data rate. So
examine the timing of the I2C interface, and then decide what resolution of that
time period of the data you want for accuracy/analysis.
You will want to capture frames of data (I think) depending on what your are trying
to analyze, so must move the SAR samples into some form of storage, internal RAM
or external store that data into SIM card.... Examining the data rate one would think
some form of DMA process would be needed to do that. Depends on I2C data rate
the link is running at. Once you capture a frame, then you do your analysis., again
what you decide to analyze is key to doing this on a bit by bit basis or a frame basis
or some combination of both. Note processor has ability to sysnch multiple DMA
processes, so thats good.
Regards, Dana.