Reading the COM ports of your PC How to?????

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Hi does anyone know how to read the Ports via RS232 input to your computer. I need to use a program to input a few bits of data at a constant rate then use the data later on. What program would be best to do this with. Visual C ++???? Visual basic? I know i can do it with Labview but the software is too expensive for this project. With visual C++ can i make graphics too like a red light yellow light green light that turns on depending on input? I am inputing data from microcontroller via rs232 into PC. Data most be able to be manipulated later on: not just outputted on screen. Thats where im not able to use standard " terminal program" to view output.
desparatly need help
Prior back Friday.
For a quick and dirty program I tend to use VB but if I want a program that will last for a while, I'd use Visual C++.

VB is the easiest to use the graphical being so quick.

winsock? he is asking for RS232 communication.
In VB you have to use MSComm (included). It is dead simple
to write RS232 application. If the occasion is just to collect or send
some data for testing purposes I would just use terminal
(for example Hyperterminal is included with every Windows distribution).
I don't know about vb, but in C to write to the com port you just open "\\.\com1" and WriteFile away! If you want to control things like baud rate, use OpenComm. Or you could use vb if you're a n00b to programming. Personally i like C as i find it gives me more control. That's not to say that VB won't let you do the things C will, as panic mode said, use the MSComm control.

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