- Windows 11
- MPLab X v6.2
- xc8 v2.41, v2.45
- Mikro EasyPIC v7 (2)
- PICKit3, PICKit4
- PIC18F47Q84, PIC18F47K42
- Various Mikro click boards
After the frustration had subsided, I started to think about how to move on with my project. One of the thoughts was to utilize a different IDE.
I believe that Mikro has an IDE and was thinking of giving it a go and wanted to get some input. I was thinking of upgrading one of the dev boards to EasyPIC v8 for PIC24/dsPIC33 and upgrade one MCU to a PIC24. My thought was if I use the Mikro IDE then I could utilize the EasyPIC onboard debugger instead of the PICKit.