I have a personal project that I have been working on for years using the above hardware. As of late it has become a point of frustration in that I keep having bugs appear in code that has been debugged and that I am not working on. I believe that a lot of the issues is coming from MPLab. My frustration came to a head yesterday and I tore it all down and threw it in the closet!
After the frustration had subsided, I started to think about how to move on with my project. One of the thoughts was to utilize a different IDE.
I believe that Mikro has an IDE and was thinking of giving it a go and wanted to get some input. I was thinking of upgrading one of the dev boards to EasyPIC v8 for PIC24/dsPIC33 and upgrade one MCU to a PIC24. My thought was if I use the Mikro IDE then I could utilize the EasyPIC onboard debugger instead of the PICKit.
I like MikroE IDE.. It takes a lot of learning away though. All the mundane stuff is done.. Kinda idiot proof!
( no offense to anyone using this IDE)
I'm old school.. Hardly ever use an IDE I tend to favour text editor's I use VSM with the Proteus software mostly. But Textpad4 onwards has compiler availability.. I sometimes use Elipse..
You will like MikroE but its not free. I have it for PIC32