redefine unuse port

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New Member
Hi guys, newbie here. I used 16F88 as my MCU and i define the port as below:


; I/O pin assignments

	ifdef	__16F88

#DEFINE	PGBTN	PORTB,6	; page button   (S3)
#DEFINE	HDBTN	PORTB,7	; hold button   (S2)
#DEFINE	BLDBTN	PORTA,7	; blades button (S1)

#DEFINE	RPM_IN	PORTB,0	; rpm input

#DEFINE LCD_D5  PORTB,2	; | LCD panel

As I need B5 as my hardware UART, i am planning to switch the LCD_RS to another port which is A6 (RA6/OSC2/CLKO),
A6 buffer type is ST and i had it ground previously. However when I changed to RA6 and reconnect LCD gives weird characters on the LCD.
Is it possible to do it this way? Thank you.

As you say RA6 was previously grounded, it would suggest it was configured as an input.?

Have you reconfig RA6 as as an output.?

Post the full code, if possible.
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The main program is here:
;                  Main Program Starts Here!
	clrf 	PORTA
	clrf	PORTB
	bsf	STATUS,RP0	; bank 1
	ifdef	__16F88
	movlw	B'11101111'	; PortA directions (16F88)
	movwf	TRISA
	movlw	B'11000001'	; PortB directions (16F88)
	movwf	TRISB
	movlw	B'01100000'	; 4MHz internal osc (16F88)
	movwf	OSCCON
	movlw	B'11111111'	; PortA directions (16F870)
	movwf	TRISA
	movlw	B'00000000'	; PortB directions (16F870)
	movwf	TRISB
	movlw	B'11111111'	; PortC directions (16F870)
	movwf	TRISC
	movlw   B'01010111'	; Weak pullups enabled, Timer0 src = clkout/256
	bcf	STATUS,RP0	; bank 0

; Set up Interrupts

	clrf	INTCON		; clear any pending ints
	clrf	PIR1
	bsf	INTCON,PEIE	; enable peripheral ints
	bsf	INTCON,GIE	; enable interrupts

; set up LCD Display

	movlw	25		; wait 500mS
	call	waitx20k

	call	LCDinit		; Set up the LCD display
	call	show_signon	; show signon message

	movlw	50		; wait 1 second
	call	waitx20k

; set up A/D convertor

	bsf	STATUS,RP0	; bank 1
	ifdef	__16F88
	movlw	b'10110000'	; right-justify, ext vref (16F88)
	movwf	ADCON1
	movlw	b'00001111'
	movwf	ANSEL		; Analog inputs on RA0~RA3 (16F88)
	movlw	b'10001101'	; right-justify, ext vref, RA1/RA0 (16F870)
	movwf	ADCON1
	bcf	STATUS,RP0	; bank 0
	movlw	b'01000000'	; CLK/8
	movwf	ADCON0

; Start Timer0

	movwf	TMR0

; initialize variables

	clrf	Flags
	clrf	Flags2
	movlw	0
	movwf	pagenum
	clrf	Page_Timer
	clrf	Blade_Timer
	clr16	CCPR
	clr16	Period
	clr32	AmpSum
	clr32	rpm
	movlw	2
	movwf	NumBlades

; Set up CCP1 and Timer1 for rpm capture

	clrf	TMR1L
	clrf	TMR1H		; clear Timer1
	movlw	b'00100001'
	movwf	T1CON		; 4:1 prescaler, Timer1 ON
	bcf	PIR1,TMR1IF
	bcf	PIR1,CCP1IF	; clear Int flags
	banksel	PIE1
	bsf	PIE1,CCP1IE	; enable CCP1 Ints
	bsf	PIE1,TMR1IE	; enable TMR1 Ints
	banksel	0
	movlw	b'00000111'	; capture every 16th leading edge
	movwf	CCP1CON		; enable Capture

	clr16	Volts
	clr16	Amps
	clr16	Watts
	movlw	64		; 64 times oversampling
	movwf	Readings
	movlw	b'01000001'	; CLK/8, select RA0 (Volts), A/D on
	movwf	ADCON0
	call	wait100		; wait 100uS to stabilize analog input
	bsf	ADCON0,GO_DONE	; start A/D conversion
waitv:	btfsc	ADCON0,GO_DONE
	goto	waitv		; wait until conversion Done
	movf	ADRESH,w
	movwf	Temp1
	addwf	Volts
	movf	ADRESL,w	; add 10 bit A/D result to Volts
	movwf	Temp2
	addwf	Volts+1
	incf	Volts

	bcf	Flags,MAX_VOLTS
	movf	Temp1,w
	xorlw	b'00000011'
	bsf	Flags,MAX_VOLTS	; Volts overloaded ?
	movf	Temp2,w
	xorlw	b'11111111'
	bcf	Flags,MAX_VOLTS

	movlw	b'01001001'	; CLK/8, select RA1 (Amps), A/D on
	movwf	ADCON0
	call	wait100		; wait 100uS to stabilize analog input
	bsf	ADCON0,GO_DONE	; start A/D conversion
waita:	btfsc	ADCON0,GO_DONE
	goto	waita		; wait until conversion Done
	movf	ADRESH,w
	movwf	Temp1
	addwf	Amps
	movf	ADRESL,w	; get 10 bit A/D result
	movwf	Temp2
	addwf	Amps+1
	incf	Amps

	bcf	Flags,MAX_AMPS
	movf	Temp1,w
	xorlw	b'00000011'
	bsf	Flags,MAX_AMPS	; Amps overloaded ?
	movf	Temp2,w
	xorlw	b'11111111'
	bcf	Flags,MAX_AMPS

	decfsz	Readings
	goto	NextRead	; accumulate readings

	rr16	Volts		; Volts / 2

	movlw	Volts
	call	Divx12		; Volts / 12.8

	movlw	Amps
	call	Divx12		; Amps / 12.8

	btfsc	Flags,GOT_ZERO	; have Amps been zeroed ?
	goto	sub_zero
	mov16	Amps,ZeroAmps	; record zero Amps value
	bsf	Flags,GOT_ZERO
	bcf	Flags,NEG_AMPS
	sub16	ZeroAmps,Amps	; subtract zero value from Amps
	goto	got_amps
	bsf	Flags,NEG_AMPS
	com16	Amps		; Amps = -0 to -0.99
	mov16	Amps,aa
	mov16	Volts,bb
	call	Mult16		; Watts = Volts * Amps
	movi16	1000,aa
	call	Div32		; Watts = Watts / 1000
	subi16	500,bb
	skpc			; remainder > 0.5 ?
	goto	store_watts
	inc16	dd+2		; yes, round up
	mov16	dd+2,Watts
	add1632	Amps,AmpSum	; AmpSum = accumulated Amps
	mov32	AmpSum,dd
	movi16	3600*3,aa	; 3 reads per second, 3600 seconds per hour
	call	Div32		; AmpHours = AmpSum  / (reads per hour)
	mov16	dd+2,AmpHours

; CCPR is a copy of the CCPR1 register. It is updated from the Interrupt
; routine. This may happen at any time, so we must prevent it from being
; updated while copying it. We cannot disable interrupts while copying
; because it could upset capture timing.
	bsf	Flags,LOCK_P	; lock CCPR
	mov16	CCPR,Period     ; get period (1/rpm)
	bcf	Flags,LOCK_P	; unlock CCPR

; reduce rpm jitter by averaging this and previous measurement

	tst16	Period
	skpz			; got good rpm ?
	goto	sp_good
	clr16	OldPeriod	; no, old period = 0
	goto	sp_done
	tst16	OldPeriod
	skpnz			; got previous good rpm ?
	goto	sp_done		; no
	mov1632	Period,dd
	add1632	OldPeriod,dd
	rr32	dd		; dd = (Period+OldPeriod)/2
	mov16	Period,OldPeriod ; old period = current period
	mov16	dd+2,Period	; Period now averaged

; show results on LCD screen

	movlw	6		; 6 * 55.555mS = 3 readings per second
	movwf	ref_timer
	movlw	0
	call	Set_Cursor	; set cursor to start of line
	movf	pagenum,w
	skpnz			; page 0 ?
	goto	page0
	addlw	-1
	skpnz			; page 1 ?
	goto	page1

	ifdef	LCD8x2

; 8x2 or 16x1 display, 3 pages

	addlw	-1
	skpnz			; page 2 ?
	goto	page2

page0:	call	Show_Volts
	movlw	LCDLINE2
	call	Set_Cursor	; "99.99V 99.99A"
	call	Show_Amps
	goto	ref_delay

page1:	call	Show_Watts	; "9999.9W 99.99Ah"
	movlw	LCDLINE2
	call	Show_AmpHours
	goto	ref_delay

page2:	call	Show_rpm
	movlw	LCDLINE2
	call	Set_Cursor	; "99999rpm   x 9"
	call	Show_Blades


; 16x2 display, 2 pages

page0:	call	Show_Volts
	call	Show_Amps	; "99.99V 99.99A"
	movlw	LCDLINE2
	call	Set_Cursor
	call	Show_Watts
	call	Show_AmpHours 	; "9999.9W 99.99Ah"
	goto	ref_delay

page1:	call	Show_Volts
	call	Show_Amps	; "99.99V 99.99A"
	movlw	LCDLINE2
	call	Set_Cursor
	call	Show_rpm	; "99999rpm   x 9"
	call	Show_Blades


; Wait 1/3 second (3 readings per second)
; Check buttons while waiting

	goto	ref_delay	; wait for Timer0 overflow (55.555mS)
	addwf	TMR0		; recharge Timer0
	call	page_button	; handle page button
	call	blade_button	; handle blades button
	decfsz	ref_timer
	goto	display_page	; 6 Timer0 overflows = 333.3mS (1/3 Second)
	btfss	HDBTN		; hold switch on ?
	goto	do_display	; yes, hold last readings

	goto	ReadInputs	; no, get new readings


RA5 is MCLR in which I'd turned it OFF.And yet to answer your question, i not yet reconfigure my RA5 as output. Any consequences from this? RA6 is OSC2 which i din use.

Thanks for the reply.
A quick look at the code:

ifdef	__16F88
	movlw	B'1[COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR]101111'	; PortA directions (16F88)
	movwf	TRISA

RA6 is set as an Input

The RA5 in the previous post was a typo, should have read RA6...
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A quick look at the code:

ifdef	__16F88
	movlw	B'1[COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR]101111'	; PortA directions (16F88)
	movwf	TRISA

RA6 is set as an Input

The RA5 in the previous post was a typo, should have read RA6...

OK. Though it is set as input, but it is connected to ground. Can I use it to interface with LCD_RS?
OK. Though it is set as input, but it is connected to ground. Can I use it to interface with LCD_RS?

If its physically connected to ground [0v],, its not in service.

Why is it connected to ground.?

If you want to use it with your LCD, it should be connected to LCD_RS pin.?

BTW: the code you posted is incomplete,I cannot assemble it.
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If its physically connected to ground [0v],, its not in service.

Why is it connected to ground.?

If you want to use it with your LCD, it should be connected to LCD_RS pin.?

BTW: the code you posted is incomplete,I cannot assemble it.

Because it seems like it is not being used for me, so i ground it. Now, as to move my LCD_RS from B5, i try to use A6/OSC2. Below are the complete compilable file. Thanks.


  • lcd.asm
    4.9 KB · Views: 120
  • wattmeter.asm
    29.1 KB · Views: 145
Because it seems like it is not being used for me, so i ground it. Now, as to move my LCD_RS from B5, i try to use A6/OSC2. Below are the complete compilable file. Thanks.

I'll look thru the code, it will take a little while.

What you should do is to change bit6 marked in RED to a '0' and then retry writing to the LCD. [ make sure the ground isnt on RA6]

If it works OK, let me know so that I dont waste time looking thru your code.

ifdef	__16F88
	movlw	B'1[COLOR="Red"]0[/COLOR]101111'	; PortA directions (16F88)
	movwf	TRISA

Well, i already tried to compile and changed the bit pattern.
What I get is...

the LCD_RS pin still have to connect to the pin at B5 while A6 is left unground.

If I try to connect LCD_RS to pin A6, it shows nothing .. it just a running characters on it...
Look at these images taken from the Oshonsoft Simulator using your program.
I had to change a couple of pins around so that my Sim would run.

As the program you have is written for the 16F88, which you are using, why do you want to switch the pins about, ie: PORTA,6..???

If you wired it as per the program for the 16F88 it will work.


  • esp02 Apr. 07.gif
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  • esp01 Apr. 07.gif
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Oh... is because i need to move the LCD_RS pin to A6, so that I can have B5 for hardware UART, which is easier. By the way, mind to send me the onhonsoft compiler with the files? Thanks.
Yup..i juz downloaded it..thanks

This is the edited version I used with OS.

Dont forget a Sim runs much slower than normal.

Just load into OS, set the LCD 'setup to suit' and run

The image shows the LCD settings for my version of the asm.


  • Watt_LCD1.asm
    34.3 KB · Views: 133
  • esp03 Apr. 07.gif
    8.2 KB · Views: 136
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This is the edited version I used with OS.

Dont forget a Sim runs much slower than normal.

Just load into OS, set the LCD 'setup to suit' and run

The image shows the LCD settings for my version of the asm.

I see that there is modification for the pins of LCD...
is this the one u manage to run it correctly?
I see that there is modification for the pins of LCD...
is this the one u manage to run it correctly?

yes it is, OS requires the LCD data pins [4] to be either the high or low nibble of a port.
yes it is, OS requires the LCD data pins [4] to be either the high or low nibble of a port.

#DEFINE	RPM_IN	PORTA,4;;;PORTB,0	; rpm input
might want to know why the rpm pin is changed as well? Thanks...


  • untitled.PNG
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#DEFINE	RPM_IN	PORTA,4;;;PORTB,0	; rpm input
might want to know why the rpm pin is changed as well? Thanks...

For the test, I reallocated PORTB.0 to be part of the LCD data nibble.

As the main program uses PORTB.0 on interrupt, you must reassign PORTB.0 back to RPM when you use the original program.

If you connect PORTA.6 as LCD_RS and ensure that you configure as an output the project should work in a PIC.
Always thought that design was a little wonky. Why break up the D4-7 LCD lines? Why not use RB1-4 and move E to RA4. As for counting RPM most might use the TMR0 input (like frequency counters do) instead of RB0. Swap S1 and LCD/RS (pullup built in). Just an odd choice of I/O allocation IMO.
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Thanks eric, i will try to implement it. Which means changing the bit mask of A to:

movlw	B'10101111'	; PortA directions (16F88)

and reassign my pins out like follows:
and keeps my B0 as my rpm input?

Thanks for ur suggestion, however i still need pin B5 as my USART serial output which has built in hardware UART.
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