Remembering Servo Positions

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I'm working on a project where two servos will go through a series of set positions. In the past I've used 555 timers to control the servo positions, where one timer actually ran a servo through three positions with a pot for each preset position of the servo. It was easy for the user to preset the positions using the pots, and then leave them. When the system power was cycled, the pots were the "memory" that stored the preset positions that the user desired.

Now I wish to use a microcontroller to achieve the same results without pots. I would like to use push buttons. I will have a push button for selecting the servo, a button that would select the numbered positions for that servo, and then two buttons to change the actual position. I then want the microcontroller to remember where these positions were so that when the user cycles the power, the positions do not have to be reset. So, I guess what I'm asking is, is there a way to have the user store information that the program can call for the servo positions even when the power has been cycled? While I have some experience in programming PICS, I haven't done anything like this before. Oh, and I haven't decided on which PIC I'm going to use for this project, so I'm open to suggestions there.

Look at the PIC's EEPROM, the amount EEPROM memory depends on which PIC you choose.
Ah, yes, EEPROM. I thought there would be an easy way to do this. Now I just have to learn how to write to and read from the EEPROM. It should be fun. I love learning.
Ah, yes, EEPROM. I thought there would be an easy way to do this. Now I just have to learn how to write to and read from the EEPROM. It should be fun. I love learning.
Get the datasheet from Microchip Technology Inc. is a Leading Provider of Microcontroller and Analog Semiconductors, providing low-risk product development, lower total system cost and faster time to market for thousands of diverse customer applications worldwide. and look at the examples for the EEPROM programming.
Thank you very much. I knew there was a way but I couldn't think of the word for it to get me started.
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