Removing ink stains

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Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how to remove ball point pen ink stains from a shirt?

Any ideas will be appreciated.
Buy a new shirt <smirk>
Once the stain has set it's pretty much there for life, though you could use bleach, if the fabric isn't white you're pretty much stuck with covering it up.
Did you google? I think I heard hair spray way back.

OH, I have a chemical in the garge that I was told would work on cloth stains... Off to look in the garage for the name.

Back. It is called Naphtha (from a hardware store). I was told by a shop that does VERY HIGH END boats that will remove about anything, but dap it and use care..

If it does not work. New shirt or a name tag to put over it.
Yeah, I asked my wife. She says hair spray works. She recommends washing it as soon as possible after spraying it, mostly because that's the way she does it.
mramos1 said:
RonH... The new hair is not bad.. Work from there down now.
Thanks. My twin brother and I had an unfortunate encounter with a vacuum cleaner.


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I did a Google search, many hits. Several suggested hair spray here is an example:-

To remove ball point pen ink; spray liberally with hair spray. The ink will dissolve on contact. Rinse with cool water and repeat. Test for colourfastness of fabric first to make sure it wont damage the fabric.

My wife has gone off to try it. I'll post the results.
Thanks, the hair spray worked and my life has been saved (it is my wife's favourite shirt).

No problem, I heard it somewhere. And the Maphtha is even better. But glad it worked.

Ron H said:
Thanks. My twin brother and I had an unfortunate encounter with a vacuum cleaner.
As a child, were all the other kids with bikes faster that you

That was a funny.
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Use methylated spirit or cheap and nasty rum or vodka might do the job if you can't get hold of any.
Ron H said:
Thanks. My twin brother and I had an unfortunate encounter with a vacuum cleaner.
I can see that the ears are antennae. But the faces???
audioguru said:
I can see that the ears are antennae. But the faces???
Our ears are NOT antennae!
They were victims of the vacuum cleaner.
Fortunately, our faces remained unscathed.
audioguru said:
I can see that the ears are antennae. But the faces???

I'd love the see a wind tunnel test on that head.. Aerodynamic here, major drag here.

RonH: Sorry about the vacuum accident man.. Hope you brother is OK too.
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