Repair help regards wall ac adapter

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New Member
Hello Friends, I am trying to repair a Panasonic Wall ac adapter (6V, 500ma) smps based, I checked with multimeter no output, checked and internal fuse with continuity and all okay, I am attaching pics, im novice so donno what else may be wrong in it, front and back image of pcb with components is attached, at the back there seems to be 2 black spots on some kind of resistance if I can identify properly. Can you all please help me what all I can check and how??


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Welcome to ETO.
As said on the other forum, it's not worth tying to fix.
For safety's sake, buy a new one (they're cheap enough).
I agree with Alec actually, but cap C1 looks so obviously blown.

Yes, the capacitor is 100% absolutely faulty - and replacing it will most likely cure the problem. I've repaired numerous supplies in that way, it's a VERY, VERY common fault.

As for replacing rather than repairing, you're often better with the original PSU with the proper connector, rather than a Universal one and adaptors to make it fit.
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