I won't be able to produce a good pic without use of the microscope. The traces indicates are those that typically hide under the solder mask of a PCB. The mask was peeling off because the trace under it has deteriorated. If PCB traces are typically tinned before the mask, that didn't happen, but I don't think I commonly see that.
The flux tested was a flux pen, type RMA rosin.
Solder tested was #66/44, 44 rosin core, and Kester 62/36/2 silver solder.
Seeing as a pro was able to successfully tin a trace, it must be possible and I am missing either some prep steps or the right solder materials.
I cannot recall my solder station brand but is a good quality hot air and desolder station. I believe I was running at 380C. It is a small trace but was still fighting to get enough heat in the trace, but I don't think increasing temp would have worked. It seemed the solder just did not want to flow into the copper. I am wondering if there is a fluid or other aid that can better prepare the copper or another combo that I could try?