repairing an incubator thermostat

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Hi friends,
I have an incubator thermostat which required replacing a microchip,namely CA3059(h9219).
I finally managed to get the chip in question but instead of being CA3059(h9219) it is CA3059(h9440)
Can anyone tellme if it should do the same job ?
hi clem,
Checked the datasheet and I cannot find any reference to that [xxxx] number after the CA3059, so I would assume that its just a manufacture batch number.

Its zero voltage switch, so I would say the new one will do the job.

As the original CA has failed, it would be wise to check out the remainder of the circuit in case the problem which caused the original CA to fail has been corrected.


  • datasheet.pdf
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The latter numbers are a date code. The h specifying something like factory. The 9440 is 1994, week 40 standard numbering. The CA3059 is a nice chip. Used it for an aquarium heater probably when I was 12 YO. You have to watch gate current.
Many thanks for that.I have fitted the chip and everything looked OK. I switched the power on and the heat source (a light globe) came on.However, the trimpot in the circuit has no effect on the heat source.I thought perhaps I need to change the thermistor
SCR's and triacs fail shorted usually. If the gate resistor is omitted, then the chip fails eventually, but it takes a while. You failed to mention if the element failed on or off.
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