Representing offset voltage of opamp?

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Well-Known Member

I am trying to add an offset voltage of 4.5mV into each of the opamps U1 and U2 in the below schematic.
(in the actual circuit, the MCP601 opamp will be used rather than LT1006)

Have i put the offset voltage source in the right place? (right way round etc)?


  • Charger circuits C20.pdf
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Can you post the .asc file?

BTW, since offset is essentially random the 'right way round' is arbitrary.
I am trying to add an offset voltage of 4.5mV into each of the opamps U1 and U2
Looks ok to me. I haven't sussed what your circuit is intended to do, but why is Q2 pulling down the output of U4?

Many times you'll see the offset voltage built right into the spice model of the op amp. Check for that first by a quick test of the op amp in simulation.

To add your own offsets, theoretically the offset can be positive or negative, and on either inverting or non inverting terminals. So to be sure you'd have to check with offset on either input and the offset should be of both polarities. Sometimes you can get an idea what the effect will be just by using a positive offset however.
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