Reset for LED Circuit

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New Member
OK........... I admit I have only simple knowledge about electronics but would very much appreciate any and all ideas on how to add a reset button to a circuit that I just purchased.
By reset, I would like to reset the 2 LED's both to a "0" each.
(Not reset the power.)

The circuit involved is an ALL ELECTRONICS Corp. LED 2-Digit Counter Kit.
I knew in advance that the circuit was not built with a "reset" included, but in my infinite wisdom (smile), I assumed I could reset the power and then the counters would return to "0". So much for infinite widom.............

In any case I have added attachments of this circuit in case somebody would recognize this IC, have pity on me, and have some idea on how to advise me on how to make a reset button. "I am capable of some soldering."
REMEMBER....I'm very limited in electronics knowledge so a nice "Electronics for Dummies" explanation would be very much appreciated.

The 3 chip numbers are 2@ - HCF4033BE
1@ - CD40106BCN

Once again thank you for your time and experience.

Sincerely Grateful and inexperienced


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No Schematics

Once again another dumb question...How do i recognize or determine which pin is # 15.

It look from the photos that they have shorted pins 14&15 (Lamp test & reset) on the chips legs. On the back of the board only either pin 14 or pin 15 is connected to ground, so not only will you have to remove the short from the chip but you will also have to ensure pin 14 on both chips is connected to ground and pin 15 on each chip is connected to ground (for running) or to Vcc (for reset). Good quality photos by the way, really helps in this situation.


Well, now that I know where pins 14 and 15 are, do you have any idea where i could get a "pinout" diagram, or please tell me what the Vcc pin number is. Unfortunately I didn't receive any diagrams with the board and I'm trying really hard to find a diagram on the net somewhere.
I must say you have been a GREAT help so far and I really appreciate your time dealing with someone like myself who is limited in their knowledge of electronics.
Vcc/Vdd is pin 16. Please find data-sheet attached.



p.s. Ground (Vss) is on pin 8


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Google ' HCF4033 ' and look at the datasheet, I have, and it does not appear to have a Vcc pin. Having said that, Vdd is pin 16 ( top righthand pin with the notch at the top ).

gaspode42 beat me to it, mind you, I've been drinking.
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Sorry my fault I tend to use Vcc/Vdd a bit interchangeably! I have posted the data-sheet for the OP.

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