RGB Fader

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Schematic is simple: any 3 output port pins will do. They each drive a suitable line driver: ULN2003 is an easy choice. These drive the LEDs with appropriate current limiting resistors. Start with proof of operation & get the code right, then build it as big as you need. G.H. <<<)))
Wow, this thread is nearly 5 years old...

Makes me feel dumb looking back at such silly questions! I remember buying an RGB led a few weeks ago and doing exactly what I wanted to do in this post, in about ten minutes, after having experienced uC's.
uC's ? been out of circulation... worked on circuits a long time ago ...... back doing LEDs for lighted boxes for a client, bought some LED strips, got some fading circuits, new bredboards, a lot of resistors, ICs, capacitors, a power supply. microcontrollers are new to me, i just need a RGB mood lamp circuit for use with my 12v LED strips tnx
The triangle wave generator made with a dual opamp is good for fading one or two low current LEDs.
A microcontroller is used to apply pulse-width-modulation to fade high current LEDs without making much heat.

We need to make a voltage to current converter to fade your 12V LED strips but first we need to know how much current is used for each strip, how many LEDs are in each strip, their color and which value resistor is in series with them.
this are the LEDs i have not sure of the specs, resistor built-in -http://www.led-t8-tube.com/led-module/LT-MZ3528-2-C.html
The Chinese LED strips do not have enough details on the datasheet. The power is listed but is it for the entire LED strip of two LEDs plus resistor or is it for each LED?
Can you power a strip from 12VDC and measure the current?
Which color do you have?
Can you read the numbers on the tiny resistor?
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