Rgb led 3x3x10 tower of color (3-d)

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No problem friend. The concept is almost finished. The hardware and software concept are in sync. Next step is to design PCB and hardware layout and then the fun part of programming it.
I left the design so flexible and adaptable that one can easily ulitlize PWM with software programming.
Now that the puzzle is solved, the tower can be built in large number of levels and be simply cascaded up as high as one desires. The limitation will be memory space on the PIC. Even that can be overcome by a row of banks of PIC boards plugged into the mother board with "MCLR" and the board control and RA4 as program control via debounce switches. More details on that in future posts.....
Multiplexing a cude 4x4x4=64 RGB would yield the same number of RGB LED's as Tower of 8x8=64 RGB. What I offered is a lot more powerful and can easily be expanded with software and plugged in modules without a lot of fuss.
But if one wants to pursue the multiplexing method: You need 16bits (Base of 4x4) x 3bits (RGB) x 4bits (High or levels) = 4 x 4 x 4 RGB LED Cube. I have not looked that such project but I would persume that they used a 16bit LED driver, multiplexed 4, scanned (multiplexed) 3 for RGB.
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I wish we were in the same town for that matter in the same country. lol I could have built the prototypes and have you test them and give me improvement feedback and then help me with the code.
All I can do here is to share my progress and for a person like to build it on his side and give me feedback.
Although you are not wild about building the system but you could have an input anytime. I have listened to your suggestions and will continue to do so if you have enough interest.
If you are bored on that side, I can deligate several tasks to you in regards to writing the code. If you are interested that is. Let me know...

By the time I/we are done with putting the entire thing together you might have gained enough interest!
Either way I appreciate your past posts and look forward to your future ones.
By the way I looked at SeedStudio. What they have there is just the LED Cube and PCB. It looks like you need an Arduino driver board in order to drive that. Cheers.
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