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Right or wrong - my country!

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Recently saw a documentary on the establishment of the Israeli nuclear weapons industry & its possible connection with JFKs assassination. Certainly thought provoking.
"i think its not true. Israeli didn't . i think americans have self made such things. its the power superiority rule"
That thingy about "Jews taking over the world" impeded your much more substantial comments, IMO.

I don't know if politicians ever read our forums regarding these issues. If they do.. well that's something. :eek:
That thingy about "Jews taking over the world" impeded your much more substantial comments, IMO.

Firstly, it's not a "thingy" and secondly I'm not worried about that anymore. It is fact already! (Thingies are small, but this "thingy" has the size of a sledge hammer!)

Last not least that explains why the Isreali government and military get away with any crime they commit.

The Isreali government has published video pictures of their "brave soldiers" being thrown overboard (what a crime of a defender!) or being hit by iron rods.

That kind of propaganda doesn't impress me at all!

Even declaring a no-go area within international waters is invalid because of international sea rights! (If it were legal why not extend the no-go area into every harbour in the mediterranian sea, giving Israel 100% control of it?)

(The same happens with North Korea ignoring the sea boundaries having been established by international co-operation, violating the rules and sinking South Korean ships within their own waters)

I guess Israel has developed to the same kind of states which is called "gangster states" internationally.

I weren't surprised if Israel uses the territory of the USA for Army exercises.

There were times when Israel had to be worried about the existance of "their" territory in the late 60s, being threatened by Egypt to chase them all into the mediterranian sea. Thanks to the unable egypt generals Israel won the 6-day war and thanks to a splendid General named "Moshe Dayan".

Israel is expanding its territory since that time taking what it wants without declaring war on the other side. (Just another "thingy").

They land one coup after another and nobody in the world seriously tries to stop them from doing that.

Ben Gurion once said: "The crime having been commited by the Nazis of Germany cannot be made good with all the money in the world!". However Israel still expects payments from the Federal Republic of Germany. (No national pride, or what?) Haifa was built using German money solely!

If you stretch out your hand to an Israeli take care he doesn't pull it off! :mad:

Now you probably have an imagination where to find the real terrorists in the world.

Further Israel has developed to one of the most active waepon producing and exporting countries. How about sinking some ships carrying weapons from Israel to some other hot area in the world after declaring a "no-go-zone"?

All "thingies" or what?


P.S. Malaysia is pretty exposed geographically. Watch closely not to be part of Israel some day. :D
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Ben Gurion once said: "The crime having been commited by the Nazis of Germany cannot be made good with all the money in the world!". However Israel still expects payments from the Federal Republic of Germany. (No national pride, or what?) Haifa was built using German money solely!
Heh! Americans experience that kind of nonsense everyday.... it's called Affirmative Action and taxpayers are forking out $$$ for "feel-good" government-backed programs along with those truly qualified job candidates that are passed over in favor of hiring the lesser qualified person that can boost minority employment numbers. It's not what's for the good of the order, but what's good for socio-political gains..... sad, quite sad.
Heh! Americans experience that kind of nonsense everyday.... it's called Affirmative Action and taxpayers are forking out $$$ for "feel-good" government-backed programs along with those truly qualified job candidates that are passed over in favor of hiring the lesser qualified person that can boost minority employment numbers. It's not what's for the good of the order, but what's good for socio-political gains..... sad, quite sad.

Hi HiTech,

I see we're getting to the same wave length.

I call that kind of behaviour megalomania - mingle into every nation's business and telling the same time "Keep out of our affairs! They aren't your business!"

Not sad, but p....d!

If our government fails to see the development Germany will be ruled by Israelis within the next 20 years. :mad:

And if they succeed they will certainly reactivate the gas chambers left over from WWII.

Jews and Israelis are nice to talk to, but nothing more in my opinion. They grasp every chance to make you look like "David" themselves being "Goliath".

To find out more about jewish activities in Germany google for "Central Council of Jews in Germany". Their leader, Mr. Friedman twists the words in your mouth and is as poisonous as acid.

He knows how to make german politicians make feel guilty for the massacres which happened more than 60 years ago.

I don't feel guilty since I was one year old at that time and I swear I haven't killed any Jew.

Jewish believe also says: "The sins of your grandfathers and fathers will fall back on you." That's the probable reason for their utmost annoying megalomania, not thinking about their own sins.

It's time the world stands up as one to tell Israel to stop their murdering and illegal actions and if necessary take away the "promised land" from them to have them where they were before - spread all over the world without taking care of each other, except for business and making big money.

Israel is an artificial state with no own territory. It has been taken away from people who owned it for Centuries. (Treaty of Malta)

Bethlehem was Jesus Christ's place of birth. What do Jews have in common with Jesus Christ?

The old testament says: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." That's what Isrealis believe for their benefit.

Most of the Golan heights are still being offered cheaply to settle. If you have the guts to build your home there you have two choices: full hit by a Hisbollah rocket or an Isreali one.

Place your choice :D

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Firstly, it's not a "thingy" and secondly I'm not worried about that anymore. It is fact already! (Thingies are small, but this "thingy" has the size of a sledge hammer!)
P.S. Malaysia is pretty exposed geographically. Watch closely not to be part of Israel some day. :D

Haha.. good one Hans. Well, we Malaysians share much of the literature on those things as well (Remember that more than half of our population are Muslims- be they Chinese, Indian or Malay, that'll tell you something) I for one find it hard to not believe there's something to it.

I know I sound naive, but I'd be better off traveling to Israel one day to give a speech to promote some Muslim-Jew understanding someday. After all, Jews lived their lives normally during the Prophet's time. If anybody can do it, it should be us Malaysians, who probably don't stir up a fuss that much over issues like this.

My three euros. :D
My three euros. :D

Hi Vizier87,

if it's nothing but three euros don't worry. No Israeli cares for peanuts. :D

On the other hand take care of the two (nuts) you carry around when travelling for mutual understanding between jewish and muslim people. :)

You might get stoned by one or the other party. :rolleyes:

Remember a German proverb: "Not everything shining like gold is really gold and not everything stinking is ****."

Kind regards

Heh! Americans experience that kind of nonsense everyday.... it's called Affirmative Action and taxpayers are forking out $$$ for "feel-good" government-backed programs along with those truly qualified job candidates that are passed over in favor of hiring the lesser qualified person that can boost minority employment numbers. It's not what's for the good of the order, but what's good for socio-political gains..... sad, quite sad.

I am not into Politics or Religious discussions, however, I must agree with you.

South Africa is in a crisis right now because of Affirmative Action. Best qualified person does not get the job. Wrong skin color and all....

Here, it's all about jobs for pals of the correct skin pigmentation or for a naturally aligned supporter of the ruling ANC party. In 16 years the ANC have destroyed everything that took this country and it's Taxpayers 100 Years or more to build and maintain.

I won't even bother listing how badly they are mucking up.

May the SWC not fail.

Sorry for swearing guys. I will not try and bypass the language filter. We are adults here.

Rant over. And thanks for being patient.
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If you are sorry for swearing, you could always go back and edit your post...#48...if you wished to do so and lessen the chances of being reprimanded for language, rather than leave it there, as is..

Regardless of how strongly you feel about something, forum rules are forum rules... ;-)
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Picture of the week

Here's a message being displayed during bus transport from israeli imprisonment after having been captured.



  • FREE-GAZA.jpg
    69 KB · Views: 274
Hope you're studying Hebraic already. :D
In my opinion, those ships were about to dock at in Iraeli territory without authorisation. At present, there is no country called "Palestine". Those aboard the ships knew it. There were professional protesters aboard.

About the attitude "my country, right or wrong". Those are jingoist words used by some Americans during the Vietnam war, along with "America, love it or leave it". You should know the difference between the 3 levels of loyalty: Patriot, Nationalist, and Jingoist.
Could this be the voice of reason in the forum? All hail Bob!
At present, there is no country called "Palestine".

Unfortunately thats true the Jews took their land off them and ever since they are considered the illegal infidels by the legal land owners. It was on the radio news where a senior female American spokesperson made the comment ' the jews should get the hell out of Palestine and go back to Poland and Germany and leave the rightfull people to their own land'

For that comment she was banned from speaking in public again

so much for FREE SPEECH.....
i am origanaly from poland i was adopted in the uk at a very young age, i am also jewish...................@Bryan1 the same could be said of the americans who took the land of the natives and slaughtered them to almost exstinction.. i dont see any nation whiter than white with this kind of thing.
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