Oh sorry to hear that, lets see if we can make this a little easier. Get some rest first though, that's important.
can be factored, but this isnt a straight forward as when you can do it perfectly and definitely like (s+1)*(s+1). But it's almost the same. The only difference is we use the quadratic formula that is for:
we have:
which gives two solutions:
with D=sqrt(b^2-4*a*c)
where i called the solutions r1 and r2 because they are roots. The original equation is then factored as:
You can apply that to your equation setting a=1 and b=A and c=B and see what you get.
The interesting part comes up when D above is imaginary, and also divides the solutions into different kinds of responses.
Another approach that i was telling you about is to find the step response directly from the differential equation, then take the derivative.
To find the step response we set the differential equation equal to 0 then find the complementary solution, then the particular integral, then the general solution, then set the boundary conditions f(0)=0, and f'(0)=0, that gives the step response. We then take the derivative to get the impulse response.
In these second order systems we always have to be aware that when the values of the components in the circuit are not yet specified (specified as variables) that means we can end up with either a response with only an exponential, or a response with an exponential and sine and cosine terms. This is alternately expressed as complex exponentials, but it does get a little tricky so make sure you get plenty of rest before attempting any of this
Here's an example i actually found on the web...
Find the solution with f(t)=0, which is y=A*e^-12t+B*e^-t.
Particular integral is y=1/12
General solution then is y=1/12+A*e^-12t+B*e^-t.
Set boundary conditions y(0)=0 and y'(0)=0, then we get two equations:
Solving, we get A=1/132 and B=-1/11.
Thus the step response is:
Then take the first derivative of that we get: