Robot Chassis (refresh to update)

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Also, I was wondering if you could pop over on my PIC question sheet. Look for the Help with PIC thread
Mongoose PCB complete, sent to PCB mfgr to get some made. Then back to the machine shop for the metalwork and fitting to the PCBs. Looks like Mongoose will be ready for end of June!
The first boards this Thursday, metalwork will have to be modified to match them.
Just to give you an idea of how small it is, the outside diameter of the wheels is 58mm. (~2.3")
that makes the total robots length 10 cm right... That's not bad. about the size of a BoeBot although 50x better. Good luck with it!
Well the PCBs are done and look great. One error (seems I usually have one on first run PCBs) but of course it's fixable. Have to cut a trace on the PCB (I'll do this with a dremel to all the rev A boards) and a short jumper made of a capacitor lead has to be added. Else they're checking out fine so far. Went to the metal shop and they suggested BLACK ANODIZE instead of Silver Anodize (the green parts pictured below). Sounds good to me.
Two choices of PIC, the powerful 18F2525 or the new 16F886 both work nicely in the design. Choose the one that fits your needs best.
Mongoose dimensions in mm 58H x 115W x 119L
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Nice. BTW could I see the schematic or pinouts of the sockets or whatever. Maybe I can even get an AVR into that "PIC" slot
couldn't you have done that just a little more smaller? I can almost see it... (the text). If you don't want to make it public , you know my E-Mail
Since I publish all the schematics here's the PDF. I just wanted to scale it to fit the forums.


  • MongooseSchematic.pdf
    52.3 KB · Views: 436
Thanks a lot. It's a lot better
PS you celebrating Mid Summer Day also today? With BIG campfires (10m tall) and jumping over smaller ones (2m ones).
My favorite holiday.
2m? thats around 6ft! You wouldnt jump over them, you would jump through them!

(well im super short and cant jump so what do i know lol)

Bill where did you buy the tamya double gearbox? I want to buy one for one of my future robots?
The Mongoose production model is only two weeks away. Here's a photo with the PCB on the prototype chassis with the LCD running.
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nice!!! Very nice indeed... As I see (from the other thread) you are already bored and want to take it to the "next level" Neat

now: VIDEO! VIDEO! VIDEO! I'm not too demanding now, am I?
bloody-orc said:
nice!!! Very nice indeed... As I see (from the other thread) you are already bored and want to take it to the "next level" Neat

now: VIDEO! VIDEO! VIDEO! I'm not too demanding now, am I?

Bored never, always thinking what's next. And then the documentation...
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