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Rotating 2 stepper motor using pic16f877a

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I just put it there to see if it would solve my problem but it didn't..
Yeah i want it to go back to case 0 after case 3
And forgive me I didn't get your point about how to display 1.8 on the lcd screen.
And the itoa() function is not for mikroC..
I thought i had got the answer for the loop thing by replacing if by while but it worked at first but now its giving the same problem
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itoa(); is in every C compilier.... It's a standard feature

Here's how I do it
int sum = 12345;

Lcd_Out(1,1, print_float(sum,2) );  // This will print " 123.45"

char * print_float(int FLT, int decimal)
    char* result[7];
    char point = 0;
    result[0] = (FLT / 10000) + 48;
    if(result[0] == 48) result[0] = 32;
    result[1] = ((FLT % 10000) / 1000) + 48;
         result[1] = '.';
         point = 1;
        if((result[0] ==32) && ( result[1] == 48)) result[1] = 32;
    result[2] = ((FLT % 1000) / 100) + 48;
         result[2] = '.';
         point = 1;
          if((result[1+point] ==32) && ( result[2+point] == 48)) result[2+point] = 32;
    result[3+point] = ((FLT % 100) / 10) + 48;  
         result[3] = '.';
         point = 1;
         if((result[2+point] ==32) && ( result[3+point] == 48)) result[3+point] = 32;
         result[4] = '.';
         point = 1;
    result[4+point] = (FLT % 10) + 48;
    result[5+ point] = 0;

I haven't had time to check this but if you need up to 4 decimal places, this will put it in a string.

There are other methods but I find writing your own is nearly always the best idea!!!
M still finding that decimal stuff confusing..
BTW the loop problem i was having i thought i fixed it but on simulation it leads to another problem.
I have put 2 while loops if certain conditions are not satisfied..
Now after the while loops it should go to the infinite loop but after the first 2 for loops in the infinite loop it seems to start from the begining i.e. the while loop
Just see what is the problem..
Thanks again..


  • LCD.rar
    80.1 KB · Views: 165
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Your code has become illegible... I am struggling to follow the switch statements... I'm sure the brackets are wrong. The else statement at the end??? Is it from the " if(count4==1) "or from the next one.." if (count2==0)" .?
I noticed something..
If i remove the 2nd while loop i.e. while(count2<13) the program seems to work properly
and vice versa.. if 1st while loop is removed and 2nd kept it works properly..
Now i dunno whats causing the previous problem to occur..
I uploaded 2 videos one showing how it is supposed to work that occurs when i put only one loop and the other when the problem occurs when i put both the conditions


  • video.rar
    382.6 KB · Views: 165
I am uploading the same program with comments
int i;
int j;
int k;
int m;
int l;
int ch;
  int count=0;          //Keep track of days
  int count1=0;         //Reference position of motor
  int count2=13+2;      //Equator count value+(days passed since equator/7)
  int count3=0;
  int count4=0;         //Direction of N-S motor  0=clockwise   1=anticlockwise
  int count5=0;
  int count6=0;
  int count7=0;
  int count8=13;       //Count at equator
int am1=0.0;
int am2=0.0;
char txt1[6];
//LCD Module Connection Initialization
sbit LCD_RS at RC2_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RC3_bit;

sbit LCD_D7 at RC7_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RC6_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RC5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RC4_bit;
//End of LCD Module Connection

//Intialization of LCD Pin Direction
sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISC2_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISC3_bit;

sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISC7_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISC6_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISC5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISC4_bit;
//End of LCD Pin Direction

void main()
{ //Intialization of Ports
  TRISB=0X00;     //Initialize Port B as output
  PORTB=0X00;     //Assign Value 0 to port B
  TRISD=0X00;     //Initialize Port D as output
  PORTD=0X00;     //Assign Value 0 to port D
  //End of Initialization
Lcd_Init();                           //Initailize LCD Module
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR);                  //Clear Display
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF);             //Cursor Off
while(count2>13){                     //If Earth greater than 0* of the Equator
        PORTD=0X04;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        count8++;                     //Increment value to increment motor value by 1
        if(count8==count2){           //Check if motor value = Equinox value
        PORTD=0X00;                   //Pass no current to motor
        count1=1;                     //Reference position value set
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        PORTD=0X02;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        count8++;                     //Increment value to increment motor value by 1
        if(count8==count2){           //Check if motor value = Equinox value
        PORTD=0X00;                   //Pass no current to motor
        count1=2;                     //Reference position value set
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        PORTD=0X08;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        count8++;                     //Increment value to increment motor value by 1
        if(count8==count2){           //Check if motor value = Equinox value
        PORTD=0X00;                   //Pass no current to motor
        count1=3;                     //Reference position value set
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        PORTD=0X01;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        count8++;                     //Increment value to increment motor value by 1
        if(count8==count2){           //Check if motor value = Equinox value
        PORTD=0X00;                   //Pass no current to motor
        count1=0;                     //Reference position value set
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay

while(count2<13){                     //If Earth lesser than 0* of the Equator
        PORTD=0X08;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        count8--;                     //Decrement value to increment motor value by 1
        if(count8==count2){           //Check if motor value = Equinox value
        PORTD=0X00;                   //Pass no current to motor
        count1=1;                     //Reference position value set
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        PORTD=0X02;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        count8--;                     //Decrement value to increment motor value by 1
        if(count8==count2){           //Check if motor value = Equinox value
        PORTD=0X00;                   //Pass no current to motor
        count1=2;                     //Reference position value set
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        PORTD=0X04;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        count8--;                     //Decrement value to increment motor value by 1
        if(count8==count2){           //Check if motor value = Equinox value
        PORTD=0X00;                   //Pass no current to motor
        count1=3;                     //Reference position value set
        delay_ms(500);                //Short delay
        PORTD=0X01;                  //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);               //Short delay
        count8--;                    //Decrement value to increment motor value by 1
        if(count8==count2){          //Check if motor value = Equinox value
        PORTD=0X00;                  //Pass no current to motor
        count1=0;                    //Reference position value set
        delay_ms(500);               //Short delay
for(;;)                               //Infinite Loop
  for(i=0;i<1;i++)                    //Rotating from east to west by 1.8 every 7 minutes
        PORTB=0X04;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);                //Delay
        PORTB=0X00;                   //Pass no current to motor
        Lcd_Out(1,1,"Angle M1:");
        Lcd_Chr(1,10,48+am1);               //Output value of am1 on LCD
        Lcd_Chr_CP('.');                    //To display value "."

        PORTB=0X02;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);                //Delay
        PORTB=0X00;                   //Pass no current to motor

        PORTB=0X08;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);                //Delay
        PORTB=0X00;                   //Pass no current to motor

        PORTB=0X01;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        delay_ms(500);                //Delay
        PORTB=0X00;                   //Pass no current to motor

  for(j=0;j<1;j++)  //Rotating from west to east
    PORTB=0X08;                       //Move stepper motor by a step
    delay_ms(500);                    //Delay
        PORTB=0X02;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
    delay_ms(500);                    //Delay
        PORTB=0X04;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
    delay_ms(500);                    //Delay
    PORTB=0X01;                       //Move stepper motor by a step
    delay_ms(500);                    //Delay
        if(count==2){                 //For 7 days ((365/94)=3.80) --> (1.8*3.80 = 6.84 = 7 days)
        if(count4==0){                //Reference that motor moving in clockwise direction
        switch(count1){               //Reference position the motor stopped
case 0:
{        if (count2==26){             //One end of Equinox = 23.5* --> For 47 degrees  ((47/1.8) = 26.11) =26 steps
        count4=1;                     //Reference that motor should move in anti-clockwise direction
        PORTD=0X04;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        count=0;                      //Reset 7 day counter to 0
        count1=1;                     //Reference position value set
        delay_ms(500);                //delay
        count2=count2++;              //Increment Equinox Step by 1
case 1:
{        if (count2==26){             //One end of Equinox = 23.5*
        count4=1;                     //Reference that motor should move in anti-clockwise direction
        PORTD=0X02;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        count1=2;                     //Reference position value set
        count=0;                      //Reset 7 day counter to 0
        delay_ms(500);                //delay
        count2=count2++;              //Increment Equinox Step by 1
case 2:
{        if (count2==26){             //One end of Equinox = 23.5*
        count4=1;                     //Reference that motor should move in anti-clockwise direction
        PORTD=0X08;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        count1=3;                     //Reference position value set
        count=0;                      //Reset 7 day counter to 0
        delay_ms(500);                //delay
        count2=count2++;              //Increment Equinox Step by 1
case 3:
{        if (count2==26){             //One end of Equinox = 23.5*
        count4=1;                     //Reference that motor should move in anti-clockwise direction
        }   PORTD=0X01;               //Move stepper motor by a step
        count1=0;                     //Reference position value set
        count=0;                      //Reset 7 day counter to 0
        delay_ms(500);                //delay
        count2=count2++;              //Increment Equinox Step by 1
if(count4==1){                        //Reference that motor should move in anti-clockwise direction
case 0:
        if (count2==0){               //One end of Equinox = 23.5*
        count4=0;                     //Reference that motor should move in clockwise direction
        switch(count1){              //Reference position of the motor
        case 0:
        case 1:{count6=4;
        case 2:{count6=3;
        case 3:{count6=2;
case 1:
        if (count2==0){               //One end of Equinox = 0.0*
        count4=0;                     //Reference that motor should move in clockwise direction
        PORTD=0X08;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        count=0;                      //Reset 7 day counter to 0
        count1=3;                     //Reference position value set
        delay_ms(500);                //delay
        count2=count2-1;              //Decrement Equinox Step by 1
case 2:
{        if (count2==0){              //One end of Equinox = 0.0*
        count4=0;                     //Reference that motor should move in clockwise direction
        PORTD=0X02;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        count1=2;                     //Reference position value set
        count=0;                      //Reset 7 day counter to 0
        delay_ms(500);                //delay
        count2=count2-1;              //Decrement Equinox Step by 1
case 3:
{        if (count2==0){              //One end of Equinox = 0.0*
        count4=0;                     //Reference that motor should move in clockwise direction
        PORTD=0X04;                   //Move stepper motor by a step
        count1=1;                     //Reference position value set
        count=0;                      //Reset 7 day counter to 0
        delay_ms(500);                //delay
        count2=count2-1;              //Decrement Equinox Step by 1
case 4:
{        if (count2==0){              //One end of Equinox = 0.0*
        count4=0;                     //Reference that motor should move in clockwise direction
        }   PORTD=0X01;               //Move stepper motor by a step
        count1=0;                     //Reference position value set
        count=0;                      //Reset 7 day counter to 0
        delay_ms(500);                //delay
        count2=count2-1;              //Decrement Equinox Step by 1
if (count2==0){                       //One end of Equinox = 0.0*
        count4=0;                     //Reference that motor should move in clockwise direction
{for (l=0;l<2;l++){                   //Delay for the rest of the 12 hours
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