RTC DS1337 Datasheet

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I have read DS1337 Datasheet then I have made some steps to send some data to DS1337 in following picture.

I want to write pseudo code for these steps. any help would be appreciated


  • DS1337-DS1337C.pdf
    289.6 KB · Views: 219
Why pseudo code? And at what level? Send bits or bytes level?

Why pseudo code? Send bits or bytes level?
just for basic idea

I am sending five bytes. I needs loop that will send each byte and check weather slave is sending A/N. I want to create a pseudo code that satisfies all the conditions in image

void main ()

  for ( i = 0; i <5; i++ )


It really depends on the hardware you're using.

I.E. on a pic chip this is the code I use to send a byte,
char I2cSendByte(unsigned char data){
Note that the bit (SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT) is the set/cleared dependent on if an ACK was received.

Edit, some bitbanged code may help you.
Edit, some bitbanged code may help you.
I got idea from your example

Function pass byte and check A/N. if its return A then send the next byte as image show. But i don't understand how to do that

char I2cSendByte(unsigned char data){
      for ( i = 0; i <5; i++ )

     if (conition() = A);
           return A;
          return N
It's 8 bits of data. In pseudo code you can call it whatever you want.

The DS1337 doesn't care how you store it on the master end. It just wants a 7 bit address followed by a R/W bit. Note, technically the address is 0x68 not 0xD0 as you show above.

Personally, I'd store it as an unsigned char or uint8_t or byte etc.

Given in datasheets
Seconds Address-(0x00H)- range (00-59)
Minutess Address-(0x01H)- range (00-59)

I think Seconds register and minutes register should be set to 0x00

unsigned char SecondsRegister = 0x00H
unsigned char MinutesRegister = 0x00H
Do you understand how I2C works as your questions make no sense.

Yes i understand. first post show my understanding to write operation. In this I have shown how to send byte from master to DS1337. I have to store this data in the master first. Only then I can send this data to Slave. I stored the address of Slave and address of seconds register.
assuming I have sent slave address then second register address and now I want to send data that may be range 00 to 59

What is meaning of range between 00 to 59 ? I think I have to set register to 00 and value of register will increment by one up to 59 counts
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It's a real time clock! Register zero contains the seconds and can only contain values between 0 and 59.

It's a real time clock! Register zero contains the seconds and can only contain values between 0 and 59.

Master would send value from 0 to 59 in Register zero.

Do we need loop to do this

for (N=0; N<59; N++)
  SecondRegister = SecondValue;
Sorry jab99407, are you member Gajyamadake in the AAC forum? Pretty much your same style.
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