s.e.x call !!!! (does it sound worng)

What s.e.x are you?

  • Male

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Female

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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New Member
After posting all the thing about age, location I thought that I should also have some idea about how many male and female are the registered users in this fourm.
I was shoked when I saw this topic (I though bad things would be here), but it's OK.

BTW: I am MALE :lol:
Someone Electro said:
I also toght i will have to report this to a mod wen i saw it(jay in this case since he is the only one here)
Yep, for a second I thought I will lock it
I'll put my weeks lunch money, to bet everybody here is male, every single member on this forum.
Male here

Someone Electro wrote:
I also toght i will have to report this to a mod wen i saw it(jay in this case since he is the only one here)

Yep, for a second I thought I will lock it
I checked which forum it is in I thought it might be in TRASH CAN

I'll put my weeks lunch money, to bet everybody here is male, every single member on this forum.
Be ready to loose Money
I have seen some Female members in the forum
Yea I too have seen some female on this forum. So I hope that they will cast their vote to show that females can also act like a male.

But I'm a male.
I voted for male.

Why hasn't roboticmisinfo casted her vote yet, other than that I have only noticed five or six other females on this forum.
D.J. said:
I voted for male.

Why hasn't roboticmisinfo casted her vote yet, other than that I have only noticed five or six other females on this forum.
Actually I expected "Roboticmisinfo" vote in here too, but she (or He?) didn't show up since She "outlawed" RoboticInfo...
What if that was anthony?

She(Or is it he) was using prety the same words as on the chat.

Do the IPs show up anything jay?
Someone Electro said:
What if that was anthony?

She(Or is it he) was using prety the same words as on the chat.

Do the IPs show up anything jay?
OMG Look at this, the user "Roboticmisinfo" used the same IP as Moderator "mechie". This is really strange...


  • wtf.png
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becose electronics is fun!.

btw. my mom + technology = dumb (Mom got me a few laughs wehith the new radio.She didnt have an clue how to use it.)
that's not very nice... I gonna tell your mom )that you didnt want to play with me...)
The girls in my family don't really have any intrest in electronics at all. My older sister build a robot that could find it's way through a maze using infer red sensors and a basic stamp, but that was it, she seemed to get out of it.

Women could do it obviously.

Wow, mechie has the same IP adress as roboticmisinfo, you better speak up where alittle stuned :shock:
D.J. said:
Wow, mechie has the same IP adress as roboticmisinfo, you better speak up where alittle stuned :shock:
I don't want to blame anyone, it might only be a coincidence, but if it is not, why would he do it?
Well, ofcourse, just sounded weird.

Maybe they live close to each other and used a public computer.

Didn't mean to seem like I was blaming
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