I have found this code that drives a SAA1057 PLL synthesizer chip.
I'm wondering if this code can be improved for clarity anywhere. For instance, can an alias be used for PORTB.4 which is used for the clock pin clb for example. It was also written quite a while ago and maybe there have been some improvements/enhancements in more recent compiler versions. Also does
Involve writing and reading from the PIC's INTERNAL eeprom? If so, I wonder how this code works? Just started learning basic, so it doesn't seem obvious at the moment. I can post the data sheet of the SAA1057 if it would help. Thanks.
'saa1057 pll
'by fdu@home.nl
'programed with pic simulator ide 7.37
'discription of ports pic to saa
'portb.4 = pin10 = clb > pin14 saa
'portb.5 = pin11 = dlen > pin13 saa
'portb.6 = pin12 = data > pin12 saa
'porta.4 = pin 3 = lock > pin18 saa
Define CONF_WORD = 0x3f41
'port = 76543210
TRISA = %11111011
TRISB = %00000000
PORTB.7 = 1 'highpower off (1=off / 0=on)
PORTB.4 = 0
PORTB.5 = 0
PORTB.6 = 0
Dim data(15) As Byte
Dim tlr As Byte
Dim deler As Word
Dim deler1 As Word
deler = 0
deler1 = 32768
Dim freq As Word
Dim freq1 As Word
Dim freqhun As Byte
Dim freqten As Byte
Dim ht As Byte
'--- lcd ini ---
Define LCD_LINES = 2
Define LCD_CHARS = 16
Define LCD_BITS = 4
Define LCD_DBIT = 0
Define LCD_RSBIT = 2
Define LCD_EBIT = 3
Lcdinit 0
'---- firstime on ----
Read 0, freqhun
If freqhun < 87 Or freqhun > 108 Then
freqhun = 87
Write 0, freqhun
freqten = 50
Write 1, freqten
Read 1, freqten
freq1 = freqhun * 100 + freqten
'--- tube heater ----
Lcdcmdout LcdLine1Pos(1)
Lcdout "Tube oscillator"
Lcdcmdout LcdLine2Pos(1)
Lcdout "Heater warmup"
For ht = 59 To 0 Step -1
Lcdcmdout LcdLine2Pos(15)
Lcdout #ht
If ht < 10 Then Lcdout " ", #ht
WaitMs 990
Next ht
Lcdcmdout LcdClear
PORTB.7 = 0 'highpower on 0=on/1=off
'----- ten pulses saa1057 initialisering -----
For tlr = 0 To 9
Gosub routine
Next tlr
WaitMs 1
'----- program latch B -----
PORTB.5 = 1 'DLEN = 1 > start sending
Gosub routine '0-1-0 > 1st clb
PORTB.6 = 1 '0 > latch B
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 1 '1 > FM (put to 0 for am input)
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 0 '2 > REFH >10KHz
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 0 '3 > CP3 = 0
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 1 '4 > CP2 = 1 >pca=0.7V
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 1 '5 > CP1 = 1 >pca=0.7V
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 0 '6 > CP0 = 0
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 1 '7 > SB2 > 1 for programming next 8 bits
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 1 '8 > SLA > synchronous latch mode
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 0 '9 > PDM1 >phase detector auto
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 0 '10 > PDM0 >phase detector auto
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 1 '11 > BRM >current switched on (T1,2,3)
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 0 '12 > T3 > must be 0!
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 1 '13 > T2 > lock output
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 0 '14 > T1 > must be 0!
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 1 '15 > T0 > lock output
Gosub routine
PORTB.6 = 0
PORTB.5 = 0 'stop sending
Gosub routine '18th clb
'---- end of ini latch B ----
'----- main ----
freq = freq1
'----- convert dec to bin -----
'data(0) = 16384
'data(1) = 8192
'data(2) = 4096
'data(3) = 2048
'data(4) = 1024
'data(5) = 512
'data(6) = 256
'data(7) = 128
'data(8) = 64
'data(9) = 32
'data(10) = 16
'data(11) = 8
'data(12) = 4
'data(13) = 2
'data(14) = 1
For tlr = 0 To 14
If freq <= deler1 Then
freq = freq - deler
data(tlr) = 1
If freq > deler Then
freq = freq + deler
data(tlr) = 0
deler1 = deler1 / 2
deler = deler1 / 2
Next tlr
deler1 = 32768
'---- freq. output to saa1057 latch A ------
PORTB.5 = 1 'DLEN = 1 > start sending
Gosub routine '0-1-0 > clb
PORTB.6 = 0 'latch A
Gosub routine '0-1-0
'-- programming bits ---
For tlr = 0 To 14
If data(tlr) = 1 Then PORTB.6 = 1 Else PORTB.6 = 0
Gosub routine
Next tlr
PORTB.6 = 0
PORTB.5 = 0 'stop sending
Gosub routine
'----- end of programming latch A -----
'---- freq on display ---
If freqhun < 100 Then
Lcdcmdout LcdLine1Pos(1)
Lcdout " ", #freqhun
If freqhun >= 100 Then
Lcdcmdout LcdLine1Pos(1)
Lcdout #freqhun
If freqten < 10 Then
Lcdcmdout LcdLine1Pos(4)
Lcdout ".0", #freqten
If freqten >= 10 Then
Lcdcmdout LcdLine1Pos(4)
Lcdout ".", #freqten
Lcdcmdout LcdLine1Pos(7)
Lcdout "MHz"
'----- freq up -----
If PORTA.1 = 0 Then
freq1 = freq1 + 5
freqten = freqten + 5
If freqten >= 100 Then
freqten = 0
freqhun = freqhun + 1
If freq1 > 10800 Then
freq1 = 10800
freqten = 0
Goto main
Write 0, freqhun
Write 1, freqten
Goto main
'----- freq down -----
If PORTA.0 = 0 Then
freq1 = freq1 - 5
If freq1 < 8750 Then
freq1 = 8750
Goto main
freqten = freqten - 5
If freqten > 250 Then
freqten = 95
freqhun = freqhun - 1
Write 0, freqhun
Write 1, freqten
Goto main
'----- read lock ----
If PORTA.4 = 1 Then
Lcdcmdout LcdLine1Pos(11)
Lcdout " lock"
If PORTA.4 = 0 Then
Lcdcmdout LcdLine1Pos(11)
Lcdout "NOlock"
Goto loop
'----- clb routine > 0-1-0 -----
WaitMs 1
PORTB.4 = 0
WaitMs 1
PORTB.4 = 1
WaitMs 1
PORTB.4 = 0
WaitMs 1
I'm wondering if this code can be improved for clarity anywhere. For instance, can an alias be used for PORTB.4 which is used for the clock pin clb for example. It was also written quite a while ago and maybe there have been some improvements/enhancements in more recent compiler versions. Also does
'---- firstime on ----
Read 0, freqhun
If freqhun < 87 Or freqhun > 108 Then
freqhun = 87
Write 0, freqhun
freqten = 50
Write 1, freqten
Read 1, freqten
Involve writing and reading from the PIC's INTERNAL eeprom? If so, I wonder how this code works? Just started learning basic, so it doesn't seem obvious at the moment. I can post the data sheet of the SAA1057 if it would help. Thanks.
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