Sample Circuits

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New Member
Here are some sample circuits with explainations that I have put together.
Hopefully this will be of some use to anyone trying to understand IC's better. Writing it has certainly helped me.

There is a digital display counter that uses a 555 timer, a 4029B Counter, a 4511 Display Driver and a 7-Seg Display

There is a binary counter that uses a 555, and a 4029B

There is a roulette wheel that lights LEDs on and off in order then slows to a stop. This uses a 555 and a 4017

As usual, if anyone can see ways to improve on my humble work, I appreciate the input


  • Binary Counter.doc
    76.5 KB · Views: 210
  • Digital Display Counter.doc
    77 KB · Views: 200
  • Roulette Wheel.doc
    119 KB · Views: 219
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