Samsung LCD Repair w/ Photos and Symptoms, Help :)

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New Member
Hello! Here is what's going on...

The TV: Samsung LN52A650, a year and 5 months old.

Problems: Had Audio but No Video when powered on. Power cycled it twice and on the second on cycle I heard a crackle that wasn't from the speakers (was 2 fuses). The red standby light was no longer lit when off.

Internal Findings: Blown fuses at Fuse 801 & 802 on the power supply board. The first two fuses after the main AC plug. (Lower right side of the board) I looked on the 3 boards for any bad caps. I didn't see any bulging. No burn marks or leaks anyplace.

What I've Done: Went to Radio Shack and bought new 6.3a 250V fuses. Glass not Ceramic (big difference?) replaced blown fuses in hopes... but they blew as soon as the TV was plugged in.

Side notes: About 3-4 viewing cycles prior the TV had some lag when pulling up the Source Menu, not sure if that would be any indication of anything.

Tools: I do have a digital multimeter at hand.

Your Thoughts: ______.

Could it maybe be the lights going bad/drawing too much power...?

Imageshack - img00351201004080044.jpg
PSU Board - Blown fuses were at the bottom right (removed in this photo)
(1st attached photo)

Imageshack - img00340201004080040.jpg
This is the full back shot of the TV.
(2nd attached photo)

Thanks everyone!!


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