I have the SA-520 which had only the B773A on one channel faulty. I got the 2SA1941 pair and replaced all ouput transistors, only to blow them all, burn one of the bias resistors and blow a speaker, due to the DC passing through the shorted tranny...
I noticed, the website I used to identify the equivalent, did not take into account the Bace-Emitter voltage. Otherwise, the transistor was a good match. The voltage difference is only 1 volt less. My question, will this small difference be the reason why the transistor fries itself? The Veb of the B773A is 6v, I am considdering a transistor with a rating of 7v. This should be ok as long as the Hfe is in the same region right?
I have seen suggestions of the 2SA1104, but they are pricey.
I am considdering:
MJL3281AG with MJL1302AG or 2SA1492 and 2SA3856. If these fry themselves...
BTW, no there aint anything else wrong with the amp. I actually had no fault on the left channel prior to installing the 2SA1941.
Anyone have the schematic for the SA-520?