SEEQ DQ52B33 differences to 28C64

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New Member
Seems like there are a few old timers on this message board, which is good. Anyone know why a 28C64 doesn't work (in write mode) when used as a replacement for the SEEQ 52B33?

I can get the host (old computer system) to read the 28C64 (once I program it externally) but it fails to write to it for some reason. Did the SEEQ part have something unusual regarding its write mode??

I've tried a few different brands of 28C64 (Atmel, Microchip) they all seem to fail after writing to the first byte.
OK Here are Datasheets for 28C64


  • 28C64_Atmel.pdf
    250.4 KB · Views: 480
  • 28C64_Catalyst.pdf
    238.2 KB · Views: 382
  • 28C64_General.pdf
    476.7 KB · Views: 605
  • 28C64_Microchip.pdf
    100.5 KB · Views: 468
  • 28C64_ST.pdf
    153.5 KB · Views: 430
  • 28C64_Turbo.pdf
    42.5 KB · Views: 588
  • 28C64_SEEQ.pdf
    77.6 KB · Views: 424
Now here is some Goodies for 28C64


  • 28C64_Atmel_Software_Chip_Erase_doc0544.pdf
    34.4 KB · Views: 514
  • 28C64_EEprom AppNote_Atmel.pdf
    98.8 KB · Views: 719
  • 28C64_SGS_Construction_Analysis.pdf
    863.4 KB · Views: 498
  • AT28C64_Atmel_Programmer_Support_doc0545.pdf
    197.2 KB · Views: 465
  • Microchip_Serial_EEPROM_CrossReff_Guide.pdf
    471.1 KB · Views: 563
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