Serial Com. Between Pics Diffferent OSC

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New Member

I want to make serial communication between 16F628A with 4MHz, and 18F2550 with 20MHZ. I'm using Ppb, with commands serin and serout, i cannot receive what I sent. But If I change the pic 18F2550 with an 16F84A 4 Mhz, serial communication works without any problem. I'm using Also Defince OSC parameter both of them. Is there anything that I should do ?
Sounds like you're doing something wrong with the 18F2550?, oscillator frequency shouldn't make any difference, as long as you're setting everything correctly.
If you do get this worked out and if permissible, please raise the board rate. Seeing 2400 is like seeing a dead can sprawled out in the road eyes popped out and guts stretched to a disturbing length. Just makes me want to vomit.
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