Serial LCD on a simulator

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I've just started fiddeling around with PICs and have completed my first project, a combination lock with a LCD

I figured the best way to learn is to rip the code apart and add in a bunch of extra features I want. I've started changing the code and using wisp628 - so far all working well. The problem I'm finding is that I'm compiling the code quite often and writing it to chip to see if it works.

I've read somewhere here that you can only program the pics around 1000 times (I'm using a 16F628) - I might soon reach this limit.

I've done a bit more reading a it looks like the way to go is to use a simulator. I've fiddeled with MPLab and PIC Simulator from Oshonsoft. One of the queries I have is how do I simulate a serial LCD used in the link above so I can see if its all working.

Any suggestions? Am I going about it all wrong?
gregmcc said:
I've read somewhere here that you can only program the pics around 1000 times (I'm using a 16F628) - I might soon reach this limit.

I thought that number was a 1000 times bigger, but in any case, I'd happily buy a new $2 16F628A every 1000 writes rather than develop 100% of my code on a simulator...

Edit : 16F628A's datasheet states 100,000 flash writes, 1,000,000 EEPROM writes & 40 years data retention. I couldn't find the numbers from the plain 628 datasheet...
gregmcc said:
Cool - if its 100,000 then I should be safe

I've never seen one have a problem being over programmed, nor have I ever heard of such a problem - it's nothing to worry about 8)
Have you...?

More than 90 days, programming the chip 10 times a day? :cry:

Could you (not the chip) stand that :?: Whatever you pay for it, it's worth the cost.

I always believed it was more than 1000, but even then... :?
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