Serial .... USB

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New Member
Hi All ,

i'm working with mc 18f4550....and i'm going to connect it with a laptop ..... unforunatly the laptop haven't serial port just USB ....... simply i cannot write programs to interface via USB .... so i bought a convertor from Radioshack to convert my Laptop USB and add adiitional COM called COM1 to the windows ,

i'll write windows application using C# .... to interface it with the microcontroller circuit ( MAX 232 )

here is my new convertor., please look at it and tell me will it work as i think or i'm doing something wrong ?

i'm asking this question because i don't like to sepnd too much time building the rpogram and the circuit and find out that this convertor is not suitable !

**broken link removed**

Thank you
That will work. You could of course make the 18F4550 act as a USB to serial converter. Have a look at **broken link removed**.

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