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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Servo motor

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Many factors to considered
1- Load current
2- stalled current

So my task is to get the current per servo? or the torque required by each servo?
Hello again, Here is a new question

I know my Torque =0.44Nm

How can I determine the battery or the current or the power for this application.
anyone can help me to turn a servo motor?

i already wrote a program using mikroC and simulate using proteus and it works. but unfortunately when i use the same program to the hardware.. it cannot works:(
I tried seeting the On time to 1.5ms and the off time to 20ms and repeated it 70 times.

It doesn't go to 90 degree? and it keep going on and on hitting the far right limit and jerking at that point.

Please help :)

If you have an idea about servo motor. I tried using the tutorial mentioned above but no use. If you know how to find the information about servo motor please let me know. Information concerning On time and Off time.

Thanks in advance

u have to set the time period of wave 20 ms and not the off time.....
there are two parameters related with servo :-1 top value, 2:- bottom value
top value is the value of timer for which servo moves at 180 degree angle......and bottom value is the value for 0 degree angle........
first set these timings and then go for other angles with a proportional value .......
generally on time of 1ms with time period 20 ms gives 0 degree angle and on time of 2ms gives 180 degree angle....try this ....... BEST OF LUCK:)
Here's what I have for controlling a servo, it's 2 555s, first one has a ≈ 50Hz signal and the second one is a ≈1 - 2ms single shot triggered by the first, I am controlling the 2nd via the CV, pin five because it works for my application. I suppose a pot for R3 would work for you. If you run the sim, look at the voltage on CV and the width of the pulse.
I'm using this on a cruise control for an off road vehicle, if you want the complete design. just ask
As far as speed of the servo goes, IMHO, if you change the signal from 1ms to 2ms, the servo will get there as fast as it can. If you want it to take a minute to move that far, make your signal change take a minute. That could be done using the CV, pin 5, with a ramped voltage to control the time pulse.


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