SIM7000 not connection to network

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New Member
I can't make my NB-IoT SIM connect to the network. I've been trying different commands, but with no luck.
I'm working with a SIM7000E connected to an ESP32. Any suggestions?

Here goes the serial monitor response:

17:07:40.972 -> at&f0

17:07:40.972 -> OK
17:07:56.101 -> at+cmee=0

17:07:56.101 -> OK
17:08:01.699 -> at+cfun=0

17:08:01.699 -> OK
17:08:24.521 -> at+cgdcont=1,"IP","ep.inetd.gdsp"

17:08:24.521 -> OK
17:08:34.085 -> at+cnmp=38

17:08:34.085 -> OK
17:08:40.926 -> at+cmnb=2

17:08:40.926 -> OK
17:08:51.126 -> at+cfun=1

17:08:51.373 -> OK
17:08:51.692 ->
17:08:51.692 -> +CPIN: READY
17:08:51.975 ->
17:08:51.975 -> SMS Ready
17:08:56.048 -> at+csq

17:08:56.048 -> +CSQ: 99,99
17:08:56.048 ->
17:08:56.048 -> OK
17:08:58.898 -> at+csq

17:08:58.898 -> +CSQ: 19,99
17:08:58.898 ->
17:08:58.898 -> OK
17:09:07.550 -> at+creg?

17:09:07.550 -> +CREG: 0,0
17:09:07.550 ->
17:09:07.550 -> OK
17:09:09.918 -> at+creg?

17:09:09.918 -> +CREG: 0,0
17:09:09.918 ->
17:09:09.918 -> OK
17:09:11.499 -> at+creg?

17:09:11.499 -> +CREG: 0,0
17:09:11.499 ->
17:09:11.499 -> OK
17:09:16.176 -> at+cgatt?

17:09:16.176 -> +CGATT: 1
17:09:16.176 ->
17:09:16.176 -> OK
17:09:31.632 -> at+cipclose

17:09:31.632 -> ERROR
17:09:37.327 -> at+cipshut

17:09:37.327 -> SHUT OK
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