Simple quiz game with right and wrong answer LEDs

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New Member
I have made the basic version, where 10 questions are wired to 10 answers on a board, and a bulb/LED lights if a connection is made (right answer), or nothing happens for a wrong answer. The questions and correct answers are connected by strips of insulated aluminium foil. I want to wire this so that a green LED indicates a right answer, and a red LED a wrong one. I need to keep the circuit fairly simple. Would a CMOS chip do this job, or a simple transistor switch? Thanks for any ideas.
An "in my head" circuit:
A CD4017 counter driven by a fast LMC555 clock. The 10 outputs of the counter feeds 10 inverters, two CD4069s. The non-inverted output is the question. The inverted output is the answer. A probe is made of a red and green LEDs connected in anti-parallel, in series with a current limiting resistor. If the question end of the probe touches an inverter's input and the answer end of the probe touches the same inverter's output, the green light lights. Right answer! If the answer end of the probe touches any other inverter's output the red LED lights. Wrong answers!

I think!


Forget the LMC555...just use the two extra inverters for the clock.
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