Single board computers built around PIC

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New Member
Could you please tell me if there are single board computers built around PIC micros ? The board must have at least one serial port to talk to a pc. The PIC must have must have one or more ADCs, one or more timers. Saw some manufacturers of such SBCs on the internet. Wanted to have more of these, to choose the one which has long time range texh support for the board.

Thank you.
Single board computers are for microprocessors that need supporting hardware to run. A microcontroller like a PIC is a single board computer on it's own. What you're looking for is more of a proto board or a devel board. I know Olimex has them.

I'm sure you could find millions more with some google searching.
A PIC is much better than an SBC in most apps, it costs a fraction of what the SBC does, consumes a fraction of the current, physically smaller and simpler. Costs only a few bucks and only a handful of cheap external components and you have a functioning system.

The most common reason for an SBC is a need to drive a monitor, use an ethernet interface, or be a Web server. Or someone just wants or needs to write code for that chip.
Hiya Vr,
Eh mate you might want to checkout they have a product called a simmstick. I reckon they are 1 of the most versitile and inexpensive ways to prototype with pic's and with a bit of thought they can be setup to do just about anything.

Just a Thought Bryan
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