Site keeps logging me out during use?

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Super Moderator
Good day!

I've been having some problems with the site for the past week or so. It keeps logging me out while I'm browsing the forums or talking on chat. I wonder if anyone else is having this problem, and if there's any way it can be fixed?
Thanks a lot!

Der Strom
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The site has memory! Remember last week the site DID not want to log you out? It remembered every time you presses the "Log Out" button, and now it's time for revenge

No, that's just a joke. But unfortunately I don't know why this is happening. I'm sure EM will reply soon with some explanation.
It certainly seems a bit strange that the same person who complained he couldn't log out is now complaining he keeps getting logged out

The revenge of VBulletin!
If you clear you're cookies then the next time you visit you will be logged out. I've not experienced any issues with staying logged in. I am aware of the problem of logging out though.

Did you run a clear cookies, or run any kind of registry cleaner?

Hahaha, yeah, it does seem like some sort of revenge. I have to admit, it's kind of amusing

I have not cleared any cookies deliberately. Earlier, when I was having problems logging out, I was told to change my password and not click the "remember me" button. I did that, and ever since, the site has been logging me out while I'm still using it.
I have been having some problems with my internet connection lately, but this was happening even when I wasn't on my home network. I just found it rather strange....
Is there a timeout feature on the site itself?
Thanks for the replies!
Der Strom
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