I posted a link to Thermtrol the manufacturer but it doesn't seem to be up yet.
The device I found in my eureka vacuum appears to be a SX8AM Series thermal protection device which is shown on the Thermtrol website. I does state that you have to remove power in order for the fuse to reset, so besides cooling down I will have to unplug my shop-vac.
Yes, I'm aware of resettable over-temperature protection devices, but they are not "thermal fuses". They wouldn't fit into the location of a thermal fuse.
I had to remove the yellow block that held the original thermal fuse entirely from my shop-vac. I will disassemble my shop-vac and get a couple of pictures to show you how it all fit together.
I work for a large hardware store and do repairs on the Shop Vacs that are returned when they quit working. In 95% of the caseas the thermal fuse has
opened and an ammeter reading ( oscilloscope monitored for peak inrush) plus an analog meter, show no motor defect . Requests to shopvac for additional
replacemenmt fuses go unanswered.
Basic product is OK. Service is NOT.
Recommend do not buy.
I install a fuse holder and put in an appropriate slo-blow fuse reacheable from the outside of the case. Non UL acceptable but in over 75 cases the customer was pleased.
Too bad they couldn't have splurged for a resettable fuse of the appropriate rating... It's sad to see a good name like this have problems like that over a trivial preventable issue.
the thermal fuse in most shop vac, are a one shot device . Rigid vac's use a THERMODISC G4A01121C Fuse, Thermal Cutoff, MICROTEMP G4 Series, 10 A, 250 V, 121 °C, Ferrule, 106 °C