"sleep" timer idea with 4060 help

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sweet, that got me past that error, looked like it was about to work then
Error [800] timer2.as; 44. undefined symbol "MCLRE_OFF"
Error [800] timer2.as; 44. undefined symbol "WDT_ON"
Am I missing the pic.h file? is that where those things are defined?
Try this file, I think it's good to go for pic12f675 - well, as far as the version you have.

Alternately you could just wait for the 10f222 to arrive & use that?


  • 6hour-timer675.c
    3.1 KB · Views: 153
Dougy, Thanks for that mate! I'll give it a go. The one I'm having trouble getting it to compile is for the 10f206 chip. I've just tried the same but with the 10F222 as the device and here is the error I'm getting

timer.c; 40.1 undefined identifier "CMCON0"
I must be missing some sort of config file?
Thanks heaps for your help mate this is greatly appreciated.
The original c file compiles for 12F222 & 10F206. The #include <pic.h> is required. You may try reinstalling PICC or maybe adding the the include directory under Project->Set Langurage Toolsuite Locations - I didn't have to do that though.
Dougy, You da man! I just did it on my home PC and it worked a treat. v9.81 here. I probably just have to re-install it on my other pc.
Thanks heaps for your help mate! I'll let you know how I go next week.
Good to hear. It should work. Remember to decouple the supply pins with a cap too.. some PICs just won't function w/o.
Hey Dougy,

I've got the pic's and have just gone to program one up. I started with the 10F206 and have the following issue.
Programming and Verifying CODE, 0x000000..0x0001FF
PIC10F Prog Warning: Read BACKUP OSCCAL value (000) looks invalid !
PIC10F Warning: Both OSCCAL (000) and OSCCAL BACKUP (000) look invalid !
PIC10F: Abort programming (nothing erased). No valid OSCCAL value found !
Enter a valid BACKUP OSCCAL VALUE (like 0x0CF4)
on the Config Register Tab, then try again !
ERROR: Programming FAILED !

Seems there is no OSCCAL value in an original pic, any ideas there? also I can't seem to find the 10F222 in winpic, any ideas on which pic to select in the devices drop down when programming the 10F222?

You can check your connection first, with my programmer - pickit2 - I get all '0's if a wire is in the wrong spot.

You can also try using WinPic800 - last time I used it, it was pretty good - it also supports 10f222 & 206. For some reason I have v3.64e, but the website only has up to v3.64d.

EDIT: The winpic800 website has revision 'f' of the software, just the other pages haven't been updated. https://www.winpic800.com
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ok excellent, some idiosyncrasies of my programmer sorted and the chip is operating on the 10F206 great so for. I am about 4 hours 30 minutes into a full "6 hour" test of the timer.

Thanks heaps for your help Dougy! Greatly appreciated.
Good that your programmer's working. You may consider upgrading to a PICKit2 (or 3), if you plan on PIC programming much in the future. You should be able to pick one up for ~$35 - but it'll pay itself off by saving you time.

I hope the timer got to 6 hours OK.
Dougy, certainly did mate! It made 6 hours perfectly! Thankyou so much for that, you've saved me sooo much time.
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